Friday, February 22, 2013

It remains as a beautiful thing

It's feel like beautiful thing
Below the moon’s shadow
The wind whispers in my ear
Where will it take me
Making the night turn white
A spirit that walks on clouds
Till the dawn comes
Till the night goes to sleep

Time of love, Oh my life
When will be the chosen day
There is nothing in this world
That is not beautiful
For one to know everything in a lifetime
It’s too short of a trip

Though the seasons will come again
Time also passes
Life’s faint light allow
Only the memories remain
I am thankful for each day
So I put my hands together in a small prayer

Everything that is hidden in lies
May I love please

That just a little things remains for me about love.
I'll still thankful everday everynight, even i didn't ever know what the real love is like.

Friday, February 8, 2013

After 8 Months, what happenned?

Long time no post... =]

Recently i got to handle my real business (which started in June), and don't know why it become bigger and bigger like now. (I'm hoping so much more in the future, kekeke~)
I know some of my readers are from gamers, and i didn't post anything even pay attention about game's update after dealing with my real life (cause for me it's more interesting), so i decided to hiatus for a while.

So, why did i comeback?
I'm interested to my friend's blog, and have been motivated to create a new post. But since i'm too lazy to make such a long long post, i'm usually cancel it. But today, i really want to share with you all, where did i go within 8 months.

Back to bussiness
Yeah, i got a bussiness, so i'm usually back to my bussiness's routine, of course to made it bigger profit. But somehow i was sad to leave my hobby in game or writing & creating a machinima film cause i must dealing with costumers too ='[

Actually within 8 months, I CREATE SO MANY THING which i'll never forget in my whole life. So what are they? Let's start.

As you know on my last post in June, i got a ticket to watch BIGBANG's concert, but not only that thing i'll not forget. In June i was put an interesting to buy Kpop albums and undecidedly i made a Kpop shop. First time i think to help me & my friends who loved Kpop to buy the album easier, so i didn't put it seriously, i was just think if i opened this, i can buy Korean albums.

On september i'm dealing with 2 project, both project are seriously obvious. One of the project is dealing with my design skill, the other one is dealing with my machinima skill.
Fortunately, i got both of them!
On the design project i was entered as an finalist, and on the machinima project i was win as the 2nd winner. =]
My design project, entered as 20th Finalist of "Damn! I Love Indonesia", contest added by VJ Daniel

This one is machinima project as the 2nd winner of Inrage Ent's "Uncommitted Contest", contest added by Bruce "Automatic" Vanderveer (JYJ Xiah Junsu's composer of "Uncommitted")

Surely, September 2012 is my lucky month (until October).
Both machinima and design project are dealing with Big Boss (for me), so this was such a honor of my work hard.

Finally i met BIGBANG, this is the first time to meet Korean Artist, and they're so cool and didn't look like a pretty boys, they're different & swag.

This is me on the Gift Box arena.

Actually i didn't dress well at that time, but fortunately i'm using boots, and the boots are useful in 'Festival (standing)' area to those who try to harm me.
Oh one thing i'll never forget, i've standing less than one meter away from Taeyang & Seungri.

That's my fancam, you can imagine how close we are...

The month when i'm dealing with boys, arguments and fake love, one thing positive is dealing with bussiness. Each of them have an personal moment from me, the first time, but some of them is remaining as an experience and as a 'kickback' moment to change my lazy life.

1. Arguments
My friend call me to search an interior designer to help her friend creating a 3D project. I was suggested my sister, who is an interior designer to take the job as her first real job. Day by day, week by week, the project become a "playing bomb" for my sister. The project got real, but the payment and the progress got worse. She was feeling like she was played by the client who just giving her so much task without deal with her for the real payment. So after the project came to final, me and my sister decided to come to her client for complaining his "unprofessional" things and take the payment away.
The first time to take an hard arguments with a boy (i called him a boy not a man, man will never argue with girls right?), he thought he was professional to handle such things, but for me he's not professional, he's more like a sissy.
Fortunately my sister got her money, and case was closed. We'll never open any teamwork with that boy again.

2. Fake Love
This was happenned when i met a seller who sold a replica of goods which recently took a part on my bussiness. I didn't know he suddenly like me in a few hours and saying so much things about love and the future of us. He always called me everyday, complaining about me (he also said i was ugly but why he loves me,etc), but one thing positive on him when he was talking about bussiness. Actually since my God guide me with His kindness, i didn't fall to his trap. The boy just only want to playin' around with me and he's not serious at all. I 'beat' him later with wise words and said to him to be JUST a bussiness partner. And after a week of fake love, we end each other as a bussiness partner like the first time we met.

3. Bussiness become real
I am the person who always trying whatever goods to improve myself. So i do it on bussiness. I always take 'crazy' move and 'dangerous' things without thinking, but fortunately i'm always got the point i want.
Never give up and try again are the part to improve my bussiness. So, it's just got real right now and i'll never leave my luck of hardwork.

Hmm, so many thing happenned within 8 months right?
As you can see, some of them are unforgettable, some of them are 'wake me up' about things that i didn't experienced.

Surely, real life is better than a games, but, you will feel like that if you always think positive.

Hmm i think to end the post here, i hope i can write another post next time !
See ya ~ =]

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Big Bang Alive Tour Concert Recall Me to My Earlier Dreams

Big Bang Alive Tour Concert in Jakarta sold out just only one hours. VIP who didn't get the ticket asked the promoter, Big Daddy, to add the concert for 2 days.
In twitter, they made an hashtag #BIGBANGALIVETOURINASECONDSHOW (Big Bang Alive Tour Indonesia Second Show). As expected, the hashtag is become one of a worldwide trends. So, how's Big Daddy's respond ?"We didn't have any plan. We will do a survey from this, how many people didn't have a chance to got the ticket," said Michael Rusli, President Director of Big Daddy when contacted by phone on Saturday (9/6/2012)
Michael said that Big Daddy haven't discuss anything about adding the show's day to 2 days with YG-Entertaitment Agency."Jakarta is the first city that announce the tickets prices and sales. So, they still monitoring the situation. Until now, no announcement that the concert will be held on 2 days," he said.
The "War" between VIP's (Big Bang Fans) must be ended. It is because, the Big Bang Alive Tour Concert's tickets on 13th October were sold out.Buying tickets opened in 10 PM, on Saturday (9/6/12) via 2 websites and Within 10 minutes, quota of the tickets were out of stock in, however another website, encounter so much visitors and causes the website server down, then the website delay the tickets selling until 2AM.
"Before 4AM, the tickets have been sold out. About 10 minutes in the morning, and after restarting on 2AM. All tickets have been sold out within 1 hour," said Michael.
So, tickets selling for tomorrow will not be opened. And so for offline selling in all official ticket outlet of MyTicket which was planned will be opened in 11th June."Tomorrow and offline selling will not be opened. All sold out." said him.


This is what i want talking about.

I have to join "VIP's Indo Wars" this day, to be the first or nothing.
The first to get the ticket, or nothing will you get than a dissapointing moment in your life. Hahah, for VIP's, this is the great one and must be get it for just once. Something more i mean here is, dream.

So, what happen to me? I'll explain from the beginning i've entered this "war" (what a war??? I'm not kidding, it's true... -__-").

Wake up before the sunrise, i've got to check the laptop that have been in front of my head when i fall a sleep, and it still turned on when i'm awake. Someone maybe will said like, "what are you waiting for?",or "what do you do? hard work?". Yea, for da truth, i'm waiting for Big Bang's tickets. And everybody who don't know Big Bang they will said "I'm crazy.", even my mom herself said "That thing is not necessary". (Mom's always like that, kekeke~)

8PM, 2 hours before the official tickets order is opened. All of my mind just stay around my laptop, waiting another announcement from the official promoter. And so it does, i've understand everything and ready to go "war". I think everything will go smoothly as a day before when i contacting my friend, and success to confirm any requirements, like find who will gonna borrowed their CC, complete a transfer, calling a backup from my friends for tomorrow buying tickets, etc.

10PM. The "war" is start. I've browse mytickedid site but... WHA---T? #Server Down# #Internet Database# etc were happened. So, in a few minutes i decided to buy from, but but HOW i go there and order the tickets??? I didn't register yet !!! When i refresh the page, some class were SOLD OUT !!! OH NOOO~!!!!
I try to order without register, and i got 4 ticket for order. Something shocked stay in the top center of the website when i go to my cart. "This order will be expired within 15 minutes". So i quickly continue for ordering internet connection to the website crash. After refreshing every minutes and go back to the order page, i'm just receiving a message that killed me for some minutes "your order has expired".

11PM I got news from ma friend that told me she has booking 4 tikets and she still confused to buy it or leave it cause we have planned to buy 10 tickets (with the same class, and for receiving the promo tiket, buy 10 get 12). I was not easy cause the promoter announce the website will be opened again in 1AM.

12PM The promoter then decided to open the next "war" show in 2AM, which in this case, the 4 tickets that my friend already booking will be expired (cause it will be expired from 3 hours after ordered). So we decided to save our ticket and pay it to the nearest bank.

1AM I was chat with my besties who didn't got the ticket yet, she said "you can go, i'll not go, the tickets is officially yours". I just promised her that i wouldn't like to watch Big Bang without my besties, i will not have so much pleasure to enjoy the concert. So, i decide to still waiting for the upcoming tickets batch that will opened soon in 2AM.

2AM The Second "War" starting. But in this situation now i have so much backup from my sister and another besties too. I was sure to hit the button and get the four tickets. But...... what da hell? Me and some my besties can't got the ticket order. Then my sister (online on another computer) called me and said she got the ticket, so i go as the procedure written on the website, but what? Out of connection again. (SO MUCH VIP ENTERING THE SITE HUH?). And as usual, the order have expired!!!!! Suddenly, my besties who didn't get the tickets before PING me in her Blackberry and told that she has got the ticket, and she just have to transfer it !!!! And i'm so happy.

3AM Me and my besties still confused is it right that we just transferred it? After ask to my friend before who "saving" another 4 tickets, i've decided to manage the process myself, cause my besties not so understand about the process.

4AM I go to the local ATM Bank, and force myself (who since 10 years ago not ride motorcycle until now). Yea, this is the first time after i got drive license for motorcycle and NEVER used it. So with all i can, i go to the nearest ATM. Even after i arrived in ATM, i still can't understand how to transfer the money (cause since i opened the Debit Card, i've never used it in ATM, i'd rather used online banking). A liitle bit confused, make me insert the card twice, cause i was wrong to choose the right menu for transfer. But as it goes, i can find where i must put the transfer to, and double check the receiver's account.

5AM So i and my friends have confirmed the tickets, but something goes wrong. It didn't have any link to download the voucher for the ticket. Sooooo? What happened here ????? Then i try to called the costumer service and fortunately they hold on their call and answer me. I told everything and the CS just answer me, "You just need to confirm your transactions's script to our email". And after we send them that, they send our voucher.

And, we officially got the voucher which will be redeem on the real ticket when the event goes. So, fantastic baby.

Who is Indonesian VIP who got the ticket ??? We will meet each other then as one, as VIP~!

If someone asked, "why are you have too much hoping for the Big Bang tickets??"
Just remember of biggest musicians in South Korea some years ago that i can't even watch their concert cause they never come to our country. And now they were separated each other,just creating another group. I was really sad then and decided to never ever like South Korean Music. But Big Bang's new album "Alive" recall me again to go to the same feeling i have for the earlier boyband. Now i like them, and become their fans, and when i heard they will concert in my country, i will never let anybody else to cancel me to go to the concert. That's it.

Maybe from this situation happened, i can got something that i can learn from buying tickets in "hurry". There's a tips that might help you to buy concert tickets :

1. Prepare everything !
 You don't want to lose everysecond of the process, don't ya? So prepare everything before the online buy is starting (if you have to register, be the quickly one to register the account first)

2. Going Earlier and Stay Tuned!
 Especially stay tuned with your promoter's announcement before the online buy start, to know step by step everything you didn't know when buying online tickets. And don't forget to be the earlier one to be stay tuned.

3. Do refresh and open new tab everytime.
 This one is really used when the website of buying tickets is have a button which is will showed up after a time countdown to zero. Refresh and open new tab is very helpfull

4. Make Backup
 4 or 5 people backup you for booking ticket, is it right? Yea it is. Moreover, if the promoter provide more than one website. it's really needed.

5. Keep Calm and Think Positive
 If you think this last tip is not necessary, you're wrong buddy. If you can't calm, you'll hit the wrong button when ordering, and must be remember, ordering online tickets of famous artist is like a "War in a Second", You fail you'll lose the ticket. And one thing is, keep to think positive, just think for the worst if you can't get the ticket, "i can watch it next year", so it will always refresh your mind and prevent you from stressed to much.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

[JAPANESE SLANG] Simple Conversation Part 1

(I learn Japanese everday.)

This is something i'm gonna do everyday in this year, cause i'm gonna enter 日本語能力試験 (Nihongo Nouryoku Shiken) or in English is called Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) in the early December 2012. I decided to enter N3 test so i must try hard to learn this languange. In this post, i'll give you a simple conversation which is everyday slang use in Japan. So, in the time i learn this, i hope i can share this to people and who read this post.
Let's study japanese~! ^^

Nice to meet you~!
(Meet for the first time, getting know each other)

Dokkara kita no ?
Where are you come from ?

Boku (M) / Atashi (FM) wa ... kara kita.
I'm from ...

Shigoto nani siten nano ?
What is your job? 

Itsumo nani siten nano?
What are you usually do?

別に何も / 特に(ない)
Betsu ni nanimo / Toku ni (nai)
Not more.

Koko ni yoku kiteruyone.
You usually come here, right.

Kimi (M) / Anta (FM) to motto hanashitai naa(M) / waa(FM)
I want to talk more with you.

I'm fine / I'm OK.

気持ち悪い !
Kimochi warui.
This is bad ! / Disgusting ! / Yuck !

恥ずかしがらないで。/ 恥ずかしことないよ。
Hazukashi garanaide / hazukashigaru kotonai yo.
Don't be shy.

Motto oshiete.
Let me know more.

Nandemo kiite.
Ask me everything.

ii no?
It's right ? (for a condition)

Ima nani ga hayatteruno?
What thing is trending right now?

Aete yokatta !
Nice to meet you !
(In the end of meeting)

Maa Maa.
Not too bad.

I'm tired.

I'm sleepy.

Chotto byouki nanda.
A little bit sick.

Nani yattetano?
What are you doing?

Saikin doushiteru?
What's going recently?

相変わらず。/ 別に変わんない。/ まあね。
Aikawarazu. / Betsu ni kawannai. / Maa ne.
Same as before.

Nandemo nai.

Booto shiteta.
I'm blank~ (Mind).

Okutte ikuyo.
I'll give you a ride.

Mata ne.
See you.

Ki o tsuketene.
Take care of yourself.

Hidoi !
Terrible ! / Awful ! / Horrible!

Scardely cat / a 'chicken'.

Komatta !
I'm on trouble !

Ikuze !
Let's go !

Can you hear me?

絶対! / もちろん!
Zettai !  / Mochiron !
Of course !

Ichi nichi juu.
All day long.


Ima sugu.

Tanjyoubi omedetou~!
Happy Birthday !

Hontou ni.

M = Male
FM = Female
(to be continued... [part 2])

Friday, May 18, 2012

Big Bang Alive Tour in Japan

Nagoya [名古屋] (17/05)

Start at 19:20 and end at 21:30. 
Japanese VIP hold a "Blue Mission" during a concert when Big Bang singing their "Blue" song. The Mission is change all yellow lightstick to blue lightstick during "Blue" Song. They said that Seung Ri almost fall in tears when the 'Blue Mission' happened.

With this kind of lightstick.

Concert Picture

Concert Set List :







7 MC




11 WHAT CAN I DO(ナノチョラゴ/어쩌라고)

12 GARA GARA GO (ガラガラGO)



15 MC










25 MC

26 LIE


Note from Japanese VIP :

Everyone seems got a gold tape which falling during a concert..... Big Bang's member's message was printed there... Here it is...

GD : "See Ya !"

T.O.P : "Love You~!"

Tae Yang : [Doodling picture of a dog]

Dae Sung : "Thank You !!"

And the last message was Seung Ri : "Korean seaweed. Korean Seaweed
LOL him.

This is some goodies for VIP who attend the concert and buy VIP's seat ticket.

Let's see what goodies they will give for VIP's seat tickets on my country~=]

All concert picture credit to the official website.
All goodies photo credits to : Bigbang_niko , i'm so envy to her/him (don't know the person gender), i wanna live in Japan too~=]

Happy Birthday Tae Yang !

This just an artwork i made for you~=]

Have not so much time to create this, but it was better hand-digital art.

Missing Blackberry Messenger Icon Tour 9630 : Solution?

Two days ago, i've decided to upgrade my blackberry messenger to version, but it was unsuccessfully installed, the syste has abort it. I found it still OK cause nothing happened with my blackberry messenger.

One day after that, i found THE ICON WAS MISSING. I try to solve for some solution like : "Show all hidden application in every folder i have", "Reboot device -> restart blackberry by removing the battery", "change blackberry theme to default theme", etc, but nothing can resolve the icon to be appeared again. Something i didn't want to do is "wipe my blackberry" cause it don't do anything to resolve the problem. When i search "blackberry messenger app" on the application settings, i've found it nowhere on the list.
#shockedonsecond( ゚ Д゚) (When i decided to uninstall it????? NEVER !!)

So, i go to blackberry site and try to install again the blackberry messenger, but it appeared like this..

I don't even find the download button and surprisingly the application was installed !!! (I've never installed it before, cause it always aborted. And now it was nowhere on application list T.T)

I try to search about the compability of this application with my blackberry, cause some people said the icon will be dissapeared if you don't have the compability OS.
I've check my OS (clicking on Options->about) and found my version was OS 5, then check to Blackberry Knowledge Base KB23968 , my blackberry version is supported. But i was dumb to not check the blackberry messenger page and found this.

"This item is supported for your device"

What conclusion from this ? I think my blackberry messenger was corruptly installed. (cause from the first i've installed it, it always aborted.
Then i was uninstalled the application and  it worked !!! The icon was comeback after i restart my blackberry~! But my blackberry need to be upgrade, it said have been installed before and i was upgrading it. Then the trouble is over ! =]