Friday, May 18, 2012

Missing Blackberry Messenger Icon Tour 9630 : Solution?

Two days ago, i've decided to upgrade my blackberry messenger to version, but it was unsuccessfully installed, the syste has abort it. I found it still OK cause nothing happened with my blackberry messenger.

One day after that, i found THE ICON WAS MISSING. I try to solve for some solution like : "Show all hidden application in every folder i have", "Reboot device -> restart blackberry by removing the battery", "change blackberry theme to default theme", etc, but nothing can resolve the icon to be appeared again. Something i didn't want to do is "wipe my blackberry" cause it don't do anything to resolve the problem. When i search "blackberry messenger app" on the application settings, i've found it nowhere on the list.
#shockedonsecond( ゚ Д゚) (When i decided to uninstall it????? NEVER !!)

So, i go to blackberry site and try to install again the blackberry messenger, but it appeared like this..

I don't even find the download button and surprisingly the application was installed !!! (I've never installed it before, cause it always aborted. And now it was nowhere on application list T.T)

I try to search about the compability of this application with my blackberry, cause some people said the icon will be dissapeared if you don't have the compability OS.
I've check my OS (clicking on Options->about) and found my version was OS 5, then check to Blackberry Knowledge Base KB23968 , my blackberry version is supported. But i was dumb to not check the blackberry messenger page and found this.

"This item is supported for your device"

What conclusion from this ? I think my blackberry messenger was corruptly installed. (cause from the first i've installed it, it always aborted.
Then i was uninstalled the application and  it worked !!! The icon was comeback after i restart my blackberry~! But my blackberry need to be upgrade, it said have been installed before and i was upgrading it. Then the trouble is over ! =]

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