Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Big Bang and their 5th Album "Alive" on My Review

I'm not a huge fans of Big Bang (not totally a trully VIP), but everytime they release a new album i always got interested to listening what song will come to catch my interest.

First i saw them with Haru Haru 하루하루 or called Day by Day (i think this song was trully blew up their popularity overseas as a Korean Boyband). I saw it because my cousin was forced me by showing their MV clip video in front of my eyes. And..... DAMN her ! I love the beat ! I like this song !
The first time i saw them, i didn't like the members, i just like the song. At that time (2008) i just got interested with DBSK's member.

On November 2008, I watched MKMF and were startled with Big Bang again (for the second time). It was amazing that they have beat DBSK in some nomination (Best Male Group and Artist of The Year, if i'm not wrong).
I started to find, their profile and their song. Then i become interested with "Lies".

Just go directly to 2011 (to cut all my stories around 2008 until 2011). I love when they release "Tonight", the music is so catchy with the strong beat ! Then the song officially become my morning alarm. I hope the strong beat of it will wake me up in the morning. But for sure, i never wake up.

Move forward to 2012. After "Tonight" in 2011, now they were comeback again with their 5th mini album "Alive" this year. I really didn't know about it, but at that time i've got some news from some people (included my sister), that they will released it on 29th Feb. Wow, released in unique date, their song must be interesting. And so, it does...

Now, i got addicted to play it times and decided to buy the official album ! I have pre-oredered it, and it will surely come to my hand after 6th April. Yaaaayy !!!!! *throw laptop*
I will create post about my review on the album design package soon (after it arrive)~ =]


So let's started our blah..blah..blah... = b

1. Alive (Intro)
First time i heard, i have no focus on it. The song is like babbling into my head (I think i was sleepy at that time). But for the second and the third time i've heard it, the song was really made you "alive". It shows like you have lost your desire or you almost give up on something;  but then you get you spirit again, become tough and strong, and ready to take any responsibilities and beat them out. After that your heart will screaming "I'm still alive".
Listen to this song : Intro_Alive

First song that catch my interest in this album was "Blue". It was unexpected that it feels different than any other Big Bang music i've ever heard. I got to replay it times and got addicted to it. What this song give to you is so soothing, there's a feel of someone's lonely, broken heart, emptyness, missing, but the feel was peacefull inside. Starting with smooth soft piano sound then followed by accoustic guitar, it seems not like an ordinary Big Bang's song here, but when the up-beat come on the chorus, it giving a catchy appearance of this song and confidently release who behind this. "Hey, it's Big Bang !" , then you'll happy to continue listening to it. The song itself i think, really "The true blue (loyalty of love)".
Listen to this song : Blue
Official Movie Clip

3.Love Dust (사랑먼지)
Love dust seems to be like happy ending song from a movie, but the lyrics is not was you're expected. The lyrics itself talks about break up and love remains, how times passed so quickly. But with pop-rock genre, this music is actually catchy to hear. Althrough it should be melancholic, but the upbeat is happy. This song seems like to show "You have to leave all sad things on your past, go forward and catch the better future"
Listen to this song : 사랑먼지 (Love Dust)

4.Bad Boy
This song now stands on my favorite list. After blue, Big Bang is giving more R&B slow song but in different beat. This song have slower beat than blue, more melting sounds, and a little jazzy inside. It's was retro and nostalgic. The beat wants to make your head nod and follow the rhythms. The song looks like calling you to remember about something wrong that you've did in the past and make you feel regreted about it, you feel so sorry. The song itself seems talks "Even you're leaving, i still care about you. I hope you don't forget about me, about us. Maybe we reunite again someday?"
Listen to this song : Bad Boy
Official Movie Clip

5.Ain't No Fun (재미없어)
If i have a chance to make movie from this Big Bang album, i'll choose this song for the ending part of the movie, where the name of all cast and staff appeared. Why i was thinking like that? For the song itself, it was talked to represent or, it's a signature of G-Dragon's song (i read on soompi). Oh yes it is, as G-Dragon started this song with his rap well (look like he's singing,but he's not), what i got here -> he seems to rap look like a tired person. The lyric itself talks about the guy who have been tired of all things from his girlfriend. Just to made this simple, what this song wanna say is, "Just end here, i'm tired"<- This is why i choose it as ending song, kekeke~= b
Listen to this song : 재미없어 (Ain't No Fun)

6.Fantastic Baby
This song is trully Big Bang soul. Strong beat and fast-paced electropop tune bring you want to dance on the floor. For the truth, first time i've heard it i don't really like it. But when my sister repeat it times with a damn huge stereo bass in our rooms, i started to addicted to 'Boomshakalaka" thing. Actually, this song is "bring you to the dance floor". When talked about films, i was thinking to use this song for action or scientific act, or something robotic? Ah, something i wanna make with my machinima project.
Listen to this song : Fantastic Baby
Official Movie Clip

7.Wings (날개)_DaeSung (대성) SOLO
This song is the last song to be appeared in this album. It sounds cheering for the past and seems to be happy to remember back the times passed. It was personal, not just about Dae Sung who is the only one to sing this song, but it also have a personal feelings on it. The song reflect a happy feeling in the morning. It's like "When you're wake up, get outside and looking at the sky, you feel blessed about good times happened in the past."
Listen to this song : 날개(Wings) - 대성(Dae Sung) Solo

My impression for this album :
This is a great combination of pop-dance-R&B-ballad-rock-jazz-hiphop-all things. It was a great album. At least, if you like some combination of song's genre, you should have to listening it. I never so addicted to Korean song, and heard it about 100times since DBSK, but now i realize that another group band who rises and come along with their successfull work have made a great artwork here on music. It's Big Bang yo ! And i recommend y'all to hear all of this song, for not just once !

Big Bang is...


 Tae Yang

 Dae Sung

 Seung Ri

Big Bang is Back !

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