Saturday, March 19, 2011

For 2PM From Indonesian Hottest, just wanna sayin' : I've got two tickets from paradise

What will you feel if you've got FREE Tickets to watch your idol concert ???
Actually will be happy~
UNLESS you've got some message from your parents, that you can't watch them, even you have a free ticket... When you asking why, they said that "you was a girl, it's dangerous out there and you go to another city too... we will give a permission if you go with someone who we believe and have responsible at you...we don't want something happen to you"

Actually i didn't go to the concert as my parents's decision..
That's very veeery VEERRYY dissapointed moment... when you've got this ticket and you CAN'T go anyway...T.T

This is the two tickets which my sister got it FREE with Blackberry confirmation and e-mail confirmation...

But, the show has go on...
2PM @Live Rockin' in Jakarta

I've seen the official picture from sound rythem, that's makes me mooooooree dissapointed...
2PM's Signature...

From the news i've heard... 2PM promised to make their first concert in Jakarta...
I really hope for this, but when it happens... i'll not get the FREE TICKETS like this time...
hahahha... other person will say that "YOU'RE WASTING A CHANCE !"
But... it's not the end of everything, there's more chance outthere to meet 2PM, even not in their concert... hope so~ =]

They said that they'll be back? Really?
Hope it come true~

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