Friday, December 30, 2011

The Meaning of My Life

Take me to think a few times to post this things out. What is the real meaning of my life? Now i get it...

I have a purpose in life to be a good person who is always make people happy and feel me as the one that they should never forget. I think what i'm purposed to be is supposed to be. I mean of a life. Meaning of my life as a 'warning' and a "reminder" for every people that i should care.

"The Warning / Reminder Sign" : i think this is the sign for the meaning of my real life.
Why the colour should be red?
If i explain it with design concept, the colour red means to "slow down and beware of something comes around you".
The exclamation means "warning" or "reminder".

What do you mean that your life is like a warning?

I realize it when i was always found some terrible/bad condition (everytime) that people even didn't know at all. Example like, i've ever smell a smoke and found my fan burned because of electricity which noone in my house knew about it,even they were around. Another thing like, smelling gas behind my stove on the kitchen, or be the first one to know that my father's car's tire was damaged before he leave home.
This 'warning' thing is almost happened in my daily life. When i was think negatively, i think where i was there, i always causing something bad happened to them. But i try to think positively, and try to know that i have an ability to warned people from dangerous situation.

And how about your life as a reminder? What is it mean?

I also have an ability to remember about people's important bussiness, work, or moment that they should be remember. I was always remember their important things when they forgot it. This thing make me as an reminder too for them and make people thinking of me as a caring person.
Actually, everyone may be don't want to remember anything about someone bussiness, cause it's not important for them. I feel like that too, i didn't ever want to think about someone bussiness, but something causing me to remember about it and make a 'will' for me (if they forgot) to inform it again to them.

When i try to think about it a few times, i realize that i was have the two abilities which mean as an important things that controlled my whole life. I think i was born to be a good person, make a good sake for everyone, help people and others. Sometimes it was boring to be a good person and i try to be bad. But something always prevent me to do this or if i have do bad things, my heart always beat up and feel not comfy at that day.

Now i found what the meaning of my life and i should continue my life with this two things "warning" and "reminder". Warning and remindering people or even myself, about things in life that we will never know when it's happen and when it should be pay more attention with.

So, do you have found the meaning of your life?
Just think about it twice and think positively~=]

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Between Work and Hobbies

I have told to you before that i was making a project for my sims 3 (see my earlier post). I make some pictures, story and video for it that will be launched on January.But during the process of making, i have a job to do and this job almost take all of my rest time, so sometimes i can't continue with the project.

I work now as a marketing. Really different with my usual work as a freelance designer. I know that it just something that i wanna get through to get some experience from it, even i hate it so much. It is because i always heard about people talking a way to success. They said "Sometimes you must take the different path of work, even you hate it. Get some experience from there and then get out from it after you got enough experience. Then continue your usual job with the experience you've got."

I think what they said is real. I do that now and i get so much experience that i would not get in my usual job as a graphic designer. From how to persuade people or how to talk and treat people whom you don't know at all until they have their respect just for you,etc. This experience for me, is something that i will not got from graphic designer. But something that i really desperate is, i don't like this job. Within 1-2 months, i'll quit, and take the experience back to my usual work as a designer.

Back to topic that when i try to focusing to my project here, i can't do it at all. Leaving office in 5PM, got trapped on the traffic jam, and get back to home in almost 6.30PM. It has make so much stressed and make me want to rest earlier. So with the condition like that, i even can't have enough time to rest and hang out with family.

Today, my boss were go away on trip for a week, me and friends on the office now have a little space to breathe, to not really focusing on work. Cause in this holiday, who's gonna be called rite????? Everyone (who rich) must be go away from home and they don't want to be disturbed, actually with the phone call.
So, i decided to bring my laptop, and continue my project in the office. In office, i just make some story from the picture i've taken before when i'm playing the sims 3. It is because my laptop not require the system requirements for the sims 3. Someday if i have enough money, i wanna buy laptop to make my project easier to do.

I make deadline for the project to train me to stay alert with 'deadline' thing. Cause in my work now, it just a deadline for new costumer, that must i've got to call to offer people time by time, not a deadline like designer, making and finish a project.

I really hoping that the project will actually finish on January. Cause i can't wait too long to release it !!! The project gonna be fun~=]
I hope it finished quickly.
Please looking forward to it everyone ~ =]

Picture Teaser : Please loking forward to it~=]

Saturday, December 24, 2011

A Christmas Eve Pray and Hope

Yesterday was a Christmas Eve. I decided to pray and hoping something to God. People always said that when you take a prayer in christmas eve, what you really wanted in life will be granted. Surely yesterday, in the night of christmas, i'm just hoping something for someone, not myself.

I think the prayer which will be granted is a prayer that hoping something good for someone.

I did praying every christmas eve, and the first hope i want to be granted is something good for someone, then i prayed for myself.
I pray for myself but not hoping too much...Just want me and my family have a good future in health, career, and wealth, and hoping that my family will bring positive things to people who living around us. Just it.

Just want to told you here that Christmas time is not just praying to hoping the best for yourself only. Sometimes we must remember people who always helped us in the past and now they've got difficultly or trouble in their life.

Christmas Eve prayer is not just for us, it also for somebody out there who need to be helped in a spiritual way. Don't think just the best for yourself only.

At last, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2012 guys~=]

Thursday, December 15, 2011

The Sims 3 : Fix Error Code 12

This image i got from google. I have no time to printscreen my game and save it as image while i can't save my game. :(

I got same as this thing when i started to save my game and not a while something popped-out that i can't save my game because of error code 12. It told me to read the readme file to see what happens.
When i go to readme file, it shows me like this :
01: No save file information.
02: No active world.
03: The save path is empty.
04: Cannot save directory.
05: Cannot find the requested file.
09: Failed to create header record.
10: Failed to write header record.
11: Pre-save callback failure.
12: World file save failure.
13: Post-save callback failure.
14: No load/save manager found.
15: Other error.

Error code 12 as shown is something failure with the world file. Since i know nothing and i don't understand it, i search on google and find some ways to fix it. But unfortunately for me, every ways that was given by some forums didn't help me at all. But the condition maybe different for you so i decided to write it one by one here :

1. Go to Edit Town, click "just continue" if the message prompted. Change one thing in your town and then go to save it as usual. This method rarely can fix the problem, but for some of you it maybe helped.

2. Minimize your game (ALT+TAB) or quit on your game. Then go to C:\Documents\Electronics Arts\The Sims 3\Saved, move all of your save game to another folder (i suggest don't place them in C:\ drive). Leave the "saved" folder empty. After that you can restore or go back to your game and saved it. This step for me not helped at all, but some of you maybe have different possibilities, so i hope it resolved your problem.

3. Pause the game, then save your game as "save as" and change the name of the town. If the original "sunset valley" you must renamed it "sunset valley 2" or something. Some people around the world have resolved the problem with this, but i'm not. I not guaranteed it to 100% fix your problem.

4. Check your system requiptments. For me, i have played sims 3 with average system requipment with minimum VGA card. But i didn't have some serious problem with my computer system requipment, i can still play the game without any loading.

5. Erase all Mods. I didn't try this step cause my game don't have any mods in it.

6. Check your sims, if they get stuck or something (can't move), try to resetsim by clicking on the cheatbox "resetsim (firstname) (lastname)". I did this step because when i got the error code 12, i realize that one of my sims get stuck and can't move. So i try to did it and continue to save the game. But unfortunately, it didn't worked.

These all the ways and steps i found on google that can't give me any help to fix this problem. But.......Thanks to God that i clicked on the right forum and found this one, DEP (Data Execution Prevention) problems. (
This thing really solved my problems !!! And now i can save my game again. You must try this too if all of the steps/ways on list above didn't resolved your problem.

Turn off DEP
  1. Enable an exception in DEP for the Sims 3 by right-clicking "Computer" and then left-clicking "Properties." Data Execution Prevention is a service that protects your PC from viruses and other attacks. Some programs and games will shut down or display errors when DEP is turned on.
  2. Find "Performance" and examine the DEP settings under the Advanced tab. If it says, "Turn on DEP for all programs and services except those I select," Click "Add."
  3. Browse to the Sims 3 executable. This file is found at "C:\Program Files\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3\Game\Bin\TS3.exe." If you're a 64-bit user, look at "C:\Program Files(x86)\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3\Game\Bin\TS3.exe."
  4. Click "OK" to confirm the change. If DEP is set to "Turn on DEP for essential Windows programs and services only," leave it as is. This setting doesn't affect your game

I'll explain it with my way if you still didn't understand it :
1. Right click "My Computer", then click properties.
2. Go to advanced tab, click "settings" button on the performance, then after something popped-out go to data execution prevention.
3. Click add button, then find TS3.exe (for me it name TS3W.exe, cause i have Pets Expansion Pack), located in C:\Program Files\Electronics Arts\The Sims 3\Game\Bin\TS3.exe, then click OK.
4. For me, i choose "Turn on DEP for all programs and service except those i select. And then i checklist the sims 3 box under it.

I hope this post can help you fix this problem. Since i can fix it with turn off the DEP, i feel happy that i can play my game again, i hope this post will help you too as i am.

Good Luck~=]

If you dont mind to donate me :

Saturday, December 10, 2011

The Sims 3 Khun : What do you think?

Started 2 months ago, i played Sims 3 and make Nichkhun Horvejkul's sim. I have told you before that my sims Khunnie is not 100% similiar with the real khunnie 2PM. I have created one story before this :, but unfortunately this story will be changed to new story which also continued this story too. Since my sims have so much changed in his personality and life (after i installed all Expansion Packs and Stuff Packs until Pets) and got a lot of bugs, i decided to make the new him for purpose to get away from all of the bugs, so i started all his life over. The new story will begin in January 2012 at , hope you guys looking forward to it~=]

Recently i made some photoshop to promote him and make a story from my sims, Khun. I decided to make some story from it. As i planned what i want to do in my life, you can see here :, i can make all i want in life in one game. I mean my hobbies.
This is the appearance of my sims, Nichkhun Horvejkul. Not very similiar but he's also cute. His story will be updated on January 2012 on his official website :

Some people may think i am crazy or something, cause spending all of my time into this game. But they're wrong. I created this after i worked 8PM till 5AM, so i still have time to do it right? =] (i'm a good graphic designer and a good planner).

So guys...
Please looking forward to it~!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I planned to make a movie trailer with it too using Adobe Premiere CS4. Hope it will be greeaaaatttt !!!!!
The movie trailer will be launched on my birthday in January (17th January 2012). Hope the making progress is not hard, so i can posted it in my birthday~!!! =]

*PS : What do you think about my sims? Comment below this post~ =]