Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Between Work and Hobbies

I have told to you before that i was making a project for my sims 3 (see my earlier post). I make some pictures, story and video for it that will be launched on January.But during the process of making, i have a job to do and this job almost take all of my rest time, so sometimes i can't continue with the project.

I work now as a marketing. Really different with my usual work as a freelance designer. I know that it just something that i wanna get through to get some experience from it, even i hate it so much. It is because i always heard about people talking a way to success. They said "Sometimes you must take the different path of work, even you hate it. Get some experience from there and then get out from it after you got enough experience. Then continue your usual job with the experience you've got."

I think what they said is real. I do that now and i get so much experience that i would not get in my usual job as a graphic designer. From how to persuade people or how to talk and treat people whom you don't know at all until they have their respect just for you,etc. This experience for me, is something that i will not got from graphic designer. But something that i really desperate is, i don't like this job. Within 1-2 months, i'll quit, and take the experience back to my usual work as a designer.

Back to topic that when i try to focusing to my project here, i can't do it at all. Leaving office in 5PM, got trapped on the traffic jam, and get back to home in almost 6.30PM. It has make so much stressed and make me want to rest earlier. So with the condition like that, i even can't have enough time to rest and hang out with family.

Today, my boss were go away on trip for a week, me and friends on the office now have a little space to breathe, to not really focusing on work. Cause in this holiday, who's gonna be called rite????? Everyone (who rich) must be go away from home and they don't want to be disturbed, actually with the phone call.
So, i decided to bring my laptop, and continue my project in the office. In office, i just make some story from the picture i've taken before when i'm playing the sims 3. It is because my laptop not require the system requirements for the sims 3. Someday if i have enough money, i wanna buy laptop to make my project easier to do.

I make deadline for the project to train me to stay alert with 'deadline' thing. Cause in my work now, it just a deadline for new costumer, that must i've got to call to offer people time by time, not a deadline like designer, making and finish a project.

I really hoping that the project will actually finish on January. Cause i can't wait too long to release it !!! The project gonna be fun~=]
I hope it finished quickly.
Please looking forward to it everyone ~ =]

Picture Teaser : Please loking forward to it~=]

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