Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Love is not last forever...But memories will...

 "Love is not last forever...But memories will..."

Just some words from my friend's blog that touch my heart and make me remember my past,something about love that never forget...
Maybe it's not first heartbreak....but it's first love..

Started from 14 July 2004, almost 7 years ago... first time i met him...

We were on training before we entered our High School...It was called MOS (Masa Orientasi Siswa) in Indonesian...
I met him when my group in the training grouped with his group...Our group was grouped to make some show in the Night Party on the last night of the training like the other group too...I was remember i'm in group "19" and he was in group "17"...
Our group were making some show about dance and drama.....For a dance,we make some piece of paper with number on it...It was to choose dance partner with number.....People with the same number will be partnered to a dance couple...
When i took the piece of paper out, the paper showed to me number "3".....And,when the leader said to find another person in group who have the same number,i searched who is it and found him..

Seems look good to met him like that...
First time i saw him....."the mysterious boy,good-looking,cool,silent"

Unfortunatelly, althrough we have the same number...we didn't be coupled...the leader separated us and coupled us with another, because there was a couple which has some trouble with height, the woman was short,the man was to tall for her...So,i coupled with the man, and he was coupled with the woman...
Sad,eh ? Surely...
Because the man who coupled with me was not good-looking,ahhahahahhaha~
But for me it's not matter, as long as our group was did well for the show...

Time goes, and I was realized that i was classmated with him, after the two weeks of the first day i saw him..

Happy? Not at all...
I just said "Oh,that boy who on group 19 in the training..."
But...as time goes..
I started to have some interest in him,especially his personality...His humorous...
On that time, humorous is the important one of my type of boy...So, i choose him...
When i realized it now, it's naive (Just like boy because he have sense of humor)...
But,it happened that way....That's one of the reason i like him...The another reason is he looked different among the other boys...
Something like...He interested in 60's-80's music era which another boy in my age was not interested on it...Seems to be oldies in his young age...That's he is...

Unfortunatelly,we were not friends at that time.....

Because of me,who has bad personallity which is introvert and nervous in front of man...Seriously, i hate that personallity and wanted to change it...But in that time,it couldn't be change...because i was thought that "It cannot be change,that's my personallity,that's my fate"

And then, in the last day of the school year in the class, we were separated.....I hear that he wasn't get on the next grade...He was failed...
So he stepped out from our school...move to the another school..

Like become love, and i didn't realize it...

I was really shocked when i hear that....
I started to crying on my bed.....crying for the first man i like, maybe the first man i love... I think i've lost my chance to met him again...
 That time, i still didn't realize...

Until now.....when i heard those words "Love is not last forever...But memories will... "

Make me realized to remember about this things that he was my first love...
As time goes by,now i met him again, in my different personallity, in different place and situation...
and we are friends right now...
i still cannot forget that time,and not forget that i love him...
He'll know that when i return his photos with the words i wrote behind it...

Do you think now i started to love him again ?
You're right... 

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