Tuesday, November 29, 2011

I Adore Them as The Missing Part of My Life

I adore so many actor and actress in my life. Something i won't be is adore them as a fanatic / biased. I thought it was really annoying and my personality for sure, didn't compatible with the fanatics / biased character.

Something i want to share here, i adore actor/actress as a part of me who didn't ever exist in my life. I mean i can't be like them, skilled like them, as popular as them, or beautifull/handsome like them.

Yeah...I adore them as the part things that missing in my life.

Sometimes i have a chance to meet with my idol but i always like to not spent my time to meet them or attend their concert or something. Why? I don't know, but it's look like i'm not interested to meet them in the crowd and i just want to meet my idol in different situation (like become a co-workers? who knows...)

I really like Jackie Chan. Something that i found in him is his martial arts skill and he never give up of anything, he also tried the best to make the best movie. The missing part of my life that i've found on him is his martial arts skill and his big willing to work hard, making a great movie (i mean his effort). I told you later that i like to make movie, but sometimes i don't have enough willing to make the good effort, so i never make a good movie/film.

I also adore Jason Statham when he play as Frank Martin in "Transporter" film series. I'm a vehicle enthusiast. Driving a car always make me a little bit happy, moreover when it comes to take a high-speed up to 100km/hours. What i found in Frank Martin character is, his insane driving skill. I want to be like that but i can't. Another thing that i found in him is his persistence to his rules, his discipline. For me, in my life, i never have disciplined myself so trouble always comes up. I want to be like him, consistent of my own rules and disciplined myself.

As a vehicle enthusiast, i also adore motorsport too, and i adore Valentino Rossi. What i found on him is, that he can make something impossible to be possible. I adore his magical effort to make something impossible to be possible. I ever watch him compete in MotoGP and have to crashed on the lap when he was in his first position, and if a rider crashed, they usually can't go on top position again. But it's different with Rossi, after he crashed he comeback and make something magical to be comeback as the first position. People who watch it would think, this guy was incredible.

You also may know that i adore Nichkhun. A Thai's who become popular in Korean as an Hallyu Star. Maybe girls will adore him from his good-looking, but i don't want to lie that i also adore him from his good-looking. But something i found on him to adore much is not his good looking, his caring personality and his love for kids. For sure, i never like to hang around with kids (but it will be different if the kids are my children~ = b ). I always think they're annoying, moreover when it comes to the naughty kids one. I want to have Nichkhun's personality, caring about kids, even they are not my kids too.

Charice, i don't even know her until i hear her song and read about her story life. I adore her voice from the first time i hear it. What i found in her is, in her little age she always think to make the better future for her parents. I also did that now, but unfortunately still can't reach the target that i want. I adore her that she can reach things that she really want in life (to make her parents proud and have the better future).

There's still so many actor/actress that i adore, but i can't mention it one by one. I'm sure it will be long post, if i write all of them.

What i've got in this post is, liking/adore someone is liking some part of us which is missing in our life.

What about you?
Did you think the same as i am?
= b

Grow a Dreams, Working Hard, and Make It Come True

Recently i really like to spent my time to stick around with The Sims 3. I know it was horrible to spent all my time in the game, but i realize something that makes me want to spent much my holiday time to play on it. It is like trigger your deepest dream to be come true, which you know or don't know what is it. But for me, i know my dreams and i feel this game offer me something to combine all of my dreams to become one.

My dreams are to making a great video, become a photographer, and become a story writer. In the fact, i can't making a great video since i have no model to do with it (Sometimes i've got some idea, but when it comes into model, he/she didn't suit the role of the character, so i always wasting my time to searching the right model). For photography, i own cameras (on a handycam), but it's not good enough to take detailed picture althrough sometimes it was helping me a lot in my project. And the last of my dream is become a great story writer. But i'm not have enough time to make some story because i'm a freelancer, even sometimes i have time to do it, i was not in the mood. Pathetic...

I'd love to make something stick around together, making all of it to become a perfect thing i made. So, people who watch it will say to me, "How do you make it???", "It's amazing !!!", or "Can you teach me how to do it???".

Since i am perfectionist, some of my friend always said to me like this when i finish my college task, "You're nuts! How did you do that???". Surely, i'm happy to hear about that, but i keep to be a humble person and always told them like this, "It's just nothing, you can do it too, believe in yourself". =]

Ehm... Back to the topic...

Why this game can make my dreams come true?.

I have said recently that i like to stick around with the game. The sims 3 is offering me to make a story with the model is my own sim, and the most important thing is i can control it too! Since i making some video in the real life, i have to wasting my time to teaching the model one by one to match the role character. It's miserable thing that cost money and time. In the sims 3, i can style the model and control it like what i want (like the character). And i just simply make the video and moving the camera as i want. My another two dreams, photography and story writer, can be do too. I just simply photograph the model in any angle that i want, and simply made a story from it. I also can PAUSE them, so they won't moving anywhere. In the real life, sometimes when i was photograph something, the model might shaking, and my handycam can 'catch' the moment, so the photos were going to blurry anyway.

With the sims 3 i can combine all i want to become one creature, one project, that i think it will be great when i go through it. And i'm sure it will be a great project if i spent my time into it. Hope that it will be~=]

Talking about dreams, i still have dreams that i can't help it to grow when i playing on the game. There was "travel around the world" and "being a pianist". Something that i really want until now is "being a great pianist" (like maxim? = b), but i know that since i'm too old to learn piano, i lower it to "i want to play Fur Elise perfectly". But since i've got no piano to play it, it's really hard to do. My friends who have piano skill always told me, "You're gifted. You can find the right piano key from the song that you recently hear. It's pity that you can't pursuing the talent to be growing up."

Maybe God gives me some talent, but which talent will be growing up i still don't know. I just work hard and make it happen.

Something i realize today, i think nothing is impossible in this world if we have a will to do that (i mean ambitious). Today i sent some stuff to my cousin with my car. I'm always sent it with my car, and it usually pick up all of the item in less than 30 pieces, cause it's not enough space if the stuff is more than 30. But today, i have a will, that i want to sent my stuff to more than 30, i think it's impossible, but my will wipe out all of my impossible thought. With all of my will, magically i've sent the stuff to more than 30. My car now can sent 48 stuff...

Something i've got here that, if you want make your dreams come true, you must have a will to do that, and find the right place to grow up your dreams and make it come true. =]

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Someone told me what age i'll die.

Today i met with my old friend, it almost a few months i don't met her. We meet because she calling me to help her to making a documentary video about her work. So we decided make an appointment to meet each other in my college today.

After a few hours i and her discuss about her work, we discuss about something that recently happened in our college, lecturer and friends. She told me about it all, why our friends get changed personality, look different than usual. She also talk about the college's lecturer, who always sharing a bad story about his/her college student.

I have been asked her that "are you indigo?". She answered yes, then she told me that she can look further to the future and the past, can healing people, etc. She knows what age she will dying, and she told me too, in what age i'm dying.

She told me that i'll die in my 45th age, such a shocked one. What will i reach ? what will i get? if i must die in my 45th age, what is the meaning of my life? Can i reach something unbelieveable or amazing?
I would not believe it, since God is the one who handle about our life and age. I just think it as a warning for me, to work hard and spent more effort to reach my dream,what i want in my life.
what made me interesting is, she told me about my next husband too, who he is and what he looks like, she told me that he is more rockin' than me, kekekekeke~ (When it said in Indonesia, he is anak metal!)
That's really cute since i can know who will be my husband in the future.

From this story, i just want people to know that "Everybody are not know about their death. Only God knows". So, what the meaning of our life? Simply i think. Be a good one. Doing something worth with your life. Don't waste your time with regrets, hate, and dealing with people who not worth it. Collect every happy moments on your life, save it on your mind or your diary book. Forget some bad things, make it as a warning or as an experience to face the future.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

The Sims 3 Bugs : How to fix Stuck, leaving work / school, invisible

In the middle of the night, after a few hours i resolved a stuck problem sims with the tent in Egypt. Now i faced to finished another bugs, that things actually make me mad, but reeally thanks to this forums to give me some backup to resolve this problem... (http://forum.thesims3.com/jforum/posts/list/51811.page)

This is some of the picture i've taken which simply describe the problem (not all of problem, but some problem i've had today).

Kids and teenagers forced to leaving their school, then get stuck. They cannot going anywhere (stuck) , even we command them to do an activity.

A working sims also forced to appeared in front of their office. Same with the kids and teenagers out of the school, they cannot going anywhere. Sometimes they get stuck with each other.

When that thing happened in my town, there were some foreign sims come to town and also get stuck.

Believe it or not, how to resolve this problem is very simple !

Look at this picture:
STEP 1 :

example : if your town named "Sunset Valleythree", just copy it and the copy will be named "Sunset Valleythree2". Look at the picture, right beside "Sunset Valleythree2" (the copied town) there's my "Sunset Valleythree" (the original town with bugs).

STEP 2 :
Thanks to will.max on Kaskus, he updating all of the patch and you can download every version of the patch here : http://www.kaskus.us/showpost.php?p=525652917&postcount=26

As my experience this night, try to working with removing the school buildings and work buildings -> it won't give you any help at all. There's some disadvantage from this :
1. Your teenagers who have a part time job will losing their job.High school newly started look like a part time job, so you must leave your teenagers "fired" from their early part time job.
2. Another bugs will coming -> invisible sims and stuck sims for active household.
3. Even it's not a trouble at all, this also take effect -> working sims will not losing their work grade, but your kids and teenagers will lose it. They will started their school again in C Grade.

UPDATED (20 November 2011) :
1. I have copied the town and after 1 day i played it again, the trouble were back and more worst, so i try to update the patch and seems updating the patch is the only one solution.
2. Check your video card, is it compatible with the game or not? The video card located in Device Manager Folder,named "Display Card"

I suggest to people -> don't started to fix this problem with "resetsim firstname lastname  ", cause it don't fix the bugs anyway.

Hope this post helpfull~=]

If you don't mind to donate me

The Sims 3 : Your Sims Stuck on Their Tent ? Here's the answer !

 My sims get stuck at one of tent on a base camp in Egypt.

I really worried since one of my sim get stuck on the tent. Then i try to get in my another sims to the tent, hope that they can talking or doing activities, so the former sims who stuck will get out from there. But unfortunately, my 2 sims on the tent get stuckand they can't do anything (activities), and when i cancelled activities from the former sims who stuck, it didn't want to dissappeared. And so the second sims who came in. It also happened with the "teleport me" cheats. So i worried how to get them out? Since they stuck, there's 3 days left to the end of travel, i think nothing can i do and i was decided to waiting until the travel days ended.

How i get they came out from the tent?

I think that's too long to wait for 3 days, so i decided to do something reckless by this step :
1. Press CTRL+SHIFT+C to prompt out the cheatbox.
2. Type "testingcheatsenabled true" (with no " , including the space area)
3.Hold on SHIFT button and press on your sims tent, where your sims get stuck.
4.There will be appeared "your sims 1 name" , "your sims 2 name, and "Object"
5.Click on the Object then "delete it"

After i did it, my two sims came out safely, and the damn tent was dissapear.

You will be simply follow this step that i found~ And i hope it's working on you too~
Good luck~=]

My two sims came out after the damn tent dissapear~=]

If you don't mind to donate me =]

Friday, November 11, 2011

How To Install The Sims 3 and It's All Expansions Pack?

The Sims 3 is an interesting game to be played, but something that make me mad is the process of installing each of The Sims 3 Expansion Pack. Quite frustating with the patch that you should update one by one. I search on google how to install all the expansions pack and found something helpfull for me.
For Indonesian people, you can go here->http://suriyadi.blogspot.com/2011/05/tutorial-install-sims-3-komplete-sampai.html
I just repost the post in English, so the people from overseas country can understand it, and maybe helpfull~

1. Run autorun.exe
2. Install Language = English,
3. Region = United States of America(Worldwide) = (version 1.0.631.00002)
4. Enter the Serial Number
  • X9X7-CQBM-V3W3-C6E2-1911
  • NSPX-XRQQ-F7F6-Y8A5-1911
  • PTL4-8CMW-N1S2-R5A1-1911
  • XECU-KZDJ-V2G1-P1F6-1911
  • ST9H-K8N3-J6T5-C3A3-1911
  • TEP7-VSGL-I5P8-L6P6-1911
Continue to installation process

6. Patch! The Sims 3 ver 1.0.631.00002 to (Download FILE1 - FILE2 - FILE3 -FILE4 - FILE5)
7. Don't copy the Game Crack if you want to continue to install to The Sims 3 World Adventure

1. Jalankan autorun.exe
2. Install Language = English,
Region = United States of America(Worldwide) version (
3. Enter Serial Number then continue to the installation process.
4. Patch! to (Download)
5. Don't copy the Game Crack if you want to continue to install to The Sims 3 High End Loft Stuff

1. Run autorun.exe
2. Install Language = English (version
3. Copy Serial Number


Continue to Installation Process

4.Patch! to (Download DISINI)
5. Don't copy the Game Crack if you want to continue to install to The Sims 3 Ambition

1. Run autorun.exe
2. Install Language = English (version
3. Copy Serial Number


Continue to Installation Process

4.Patch! to (Download DISINI)
5. Don't copy the Game Crack if you want to continue to install to The Sims 3 Fast Lane Stuf

1. Run autorun.exe
2. Install Language = English (version
3. Copy Serial Number


Continue to installation Process

4.Patch! to (Download FILE1 - FILE2)
5. Don't copy the Game Crack if you want to continue to install to The Sims 3 Late Night

1. Run autorun.exe
2. Install Language = United State of America (version
3. Copy Serial Number


Continue to installation process

4.Patch! to (Download)
5. Don't copy Crack game if you want to continue to install The Sims 3 Outdoor Living Stuff

1. Double Click Autorun.exe
2. Serial Number


3. Continue to installation process
4. Patch to version (Download)
5. Don't copy Crack game if you want to continue to install The Sims 3 Generation

1. Double Click Autorun.exe
2. Serial Number


3. Continue to installation process
5. Copy crack into the folder game (don't forget to save the original file for next update patch instalation)

UPDATE !!!!!

THE SIMS 3 - Town Life Stuf 
1. Double Click Autorun.exe
2. Serial Number


3. Continue to installation process
5. Copy crack into the folder game (don't forget to save the original file for next update patch instalation)

Release date:
NA October 27, 2011

EU October 29, 2011

Copyright 2011 by SURIYADI

From Suriyadi's post, i've got some explanation that YOU SHOULD BE READ when installing The Sims 3 :

1. If you want to check the expansion pack game was working or not, EXAMPLE: if you want to check your World Adventures Running or not. The first step is BACKUP THE ORIGINAL TSEP01.EXE BEFORE COPYING THE CRACK.


3.Updating a patch is the process to continue installing to the new expansion pack. So if you want to play the sims 3 with the expansion pack you have installed and don't want to continue installing another next patch, DON'T UPDATE THE PATCH and SAVE THE ORIGINAL EXPANSION PACK (something).exe for the next expansion patch instalation.

4.The Function of crack in The Sims 3 is to END THE INSTALLATION PROCESS. It's different with crack on The Sims which can be replaced automatically.

5.Example : If you want to copy Expansion pack : Generation crack, you must copy in the area folder of The sims 3 Gneration too. ex: electronics arts\Thesims3 generation\game\Bin.

6.You can use Mini Image to avoid of copy-paste crack. Download here : http://www.mediafire.com/?5nk2nsllamgg6fo
How to use :

  1. By using mini Image, we don't need any crack

  2. mini Image can be used in every version of each Base Game/Expansion Pack/Stuff Pack

  3. How to use it?

  > Install DAEMON Tools
  > Download & Extract mini Image
  > Mount
  > Happy playing

  4. What you shoud do if you want to install a new patch?
  > If mini Image were Mounted, then you must unmount the mini image.
  > Install patch that you want
  > Mount again mini Image
  > Happy Playing

If you don't mind to donate me =]

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Know Your Enemy, Know Your Spirit

Our Enemy is Our Spirit.

What i'm talking about here about enemy is someone who will burn your spirit, and make you being competitive with him/her to get something, actually in positive thing, and something that should be underline here i'm not talking about enemy who should be killed.

Sometimes people have their own enemy, and they realized they've been a rival with their enemy. Wanting something higher than their enemy. But something that people never realized is, their enemy burn their positive spirit. Spirit to become more better than their rival, even the best.

I give an example here...

You know in 2004, MotoGP have Sete Gibernau who become the tough rival of Valentino Rossi on the track. Gibernau was unfamiliar in MotoGP before he compete with Rossi. But something decided him to know his enemy / rival to compete with. And maybe, he choose the good choice to compete and become rival with Rossi, cause Rossi was a champion who never defeated by everyone at that time.
Something good happenned here, he choose Rossi as his rival to burn up his spirit.
The result? He was known as Rossi's best rival until now. The rival on the track of course.

Gibernau (Left) and Rossi (right)

Maybe from now on, you must decided who will become your real enemy. Enemy who can keep up your spirit, boost it, and make your spirit become the best tools to keep up on your life. And something you must not forget here that, you must choose your rival who better than you in anything. Cause if you choose someone who have worst skill than you, that will not bring your spirit up, but bring your angry to the max. Hehehe...

Know your enemy guys~=]

Qoute today : "Your Enemy is The Best Tools to Bring Up Your Spirit"


Do you know the enemy?
Do you know your enemy?
Well, gotta know the enemy

Do you know the enemy?
Do you know your enemy?
Well, gotta know the enemy

Do you know the enemy?
Do you know your enemy?
Well, gotta know the enemy

Violence is an energy
Against the enemy
Violence is an energy

Bringing on the fury
The choir infantry
Revolt against the honor to obey

Overthrow the effigy
The vast majority
We're burning down the bargain of control

Silence is the enemy
Against your urgency
So rally up the demons of your soul

Do you know the enemy?
Do you know your enemy?
Well, gotta know the enemy

The Insurgency will rise
When the blood's been sacrificed
Don't be blinded by the lies
In your eyes

Violence is an energy
From here to eternity
Violence is an energy
Silence is the enemy
So gimme gimme revolution

Do you know the enemy?
Do you know your enemy?
Well, gotta know the enemy

Do you know the enemy?
Do you know your enemy?
Well, gotta know the enemy

Overthrow the effigy
The vast majority
We're burning down the bargain of control

Silence is the enemy
Against your urgency
So rally up the demons of your soul

Being Popular, People Become to Have No Respect With Others

Don't let your mood go down if you don't get the respect you deserve.

Sometimes we meet a popular person who have been friends with us in the past time, and now we were far-away with them, no longer friends. When we got to ask them again about their day or just want to call them, they gave us "no-reply" for all what we did and asked, they didn't give us any feedback. It's so disrespect things they've made to us. But, something that we must not forget, don't let ourselves down, just feel that nothing happen and encourage yourself to be positive thinking that "They also don't deserve your respect too", that's the point.

I explain here that the popularity of which our friend deserve is maybe the popularity around friends or the popularity around public. They may deserve that things all but they must not forget their communication around their longer/old friend too.

Sometimes popular person look an ordinary person as the loser who don't deserve any respect from them. That's make bullying happened in school.

I have been a loser in my past time, being bullying by the "popular", being insulted, teased or anything, and got no respect. They treat me like a scum that must be eliminated around their territory. But i have my own faith, that's this is will not happened continuesly in your life, sometimes people who are down will go up, and the others who up will go down, every people have their era too to being popular.

Now, sometimes i still get some 'rejection' from people who feel me as the person that didn't have to deserve anything. Well, i didn't feel dissapointed about them, i just feel pity for them. Sometimes they will be treaten like they treat me now.

Every people surely have their era to go up or down. For me now, i still stay on the middle (not go up or down), cause i feel i treat people well and deserve them my respect too. I don't too much hoping to be a popular, cause when it comes, it will be the happiest time for you in just a little time. I just want to become popular with my skills or my effort, so i can get the respect that i deserve, which is people's recognition.
I don't need to be popular around friends, cause i will not get anything that i deserve in life. Being popular among friends for me, just wasting my time. Cause being popular around friends, the people around you just want to suck up to be your friend and become popular, later if you don't have anything that you deserve as a popular person, they will be leaving you alone.

So i just want to tell you that being a popular person is good, but you must not forget of anything that make you become a popular person. Being popular is to respect anyone who they are, who always support you with, not to leave them lost your respect.

Quote today : "Popularity is like a boomerang. It will fly you into the top, but smash you down if you do something wrong and don't stay to be who you are. And it won't last longer on the top."

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Valentino Rossi and Colin Edwards IS NOT the murderer

It have been 2 weeks since Marco Simoncelli's death on track in Sepang Circuit, Malaysia. Most of people were thinking to blame people who involved with the accident, Valentino Rossi and Colin Edwards. I was sure that they're not understand the different of what the racing and what competition is. Racing is to feel the adrenaline on the high speed not to kill people on the high speed. Competition is included sportmanship, that's not a chance to kill someone too, even your enemy. MotoGP is an international sport, and the high-personality figure like Valentino Rossi and Colin Edwards were recomended to have a sportmanship too.

I cant stand that most of people blame Rossi and Edwards as the real murderer of Marco Simoncelli.

They must be SHUT THEIR MOUTH UP. They must dare to try ride a bike in 160mph then facing and avoiding somebody was crashed towards their bike in less than 1 second. They must feel what Edwards and Rossi feel in that time they involved in Marco Simoncelli's crash.

For you all the motogp fans must know that Simoncelli's bike regained some grip to the track, both Rossi and Edwards just were too close behind him. Can you imagine riding in 160mph and 5 meters in front of you somebody and his bike was come towards your way in the same speed? SURELY IT CAN'T BE AVOIDED.

I was writing a post when the accident happen : http://iloveredilovered.blogspot.com/2011/10/motogp-is-not-about-riders-skills-is.html
At that time i write the post, Moto2 race were end on red flag, i didn't feel anything will happen in MotoGP race, i just feel sympathy of the accident involved in Moto2 race. I want to share my thoughts about MotoGP race that the 50% success behind the riders were supported by their LUCK too. But in the time i was writing on my post, the accident happen. I didn't see it but it was a fatal accident that caused the race to be stopped.

They said Rossi and Edward were involved in this race. I looked at the accident video and see Edwards and Rossi were have no time to avoid the fatal crash. I heard Colin Edwards have a bad injury, and i saw Rossi on the video he looks like crying after crashed with Marco Simoncelli, then i saw the another hidden video that Rossi actually cried in the Ducati's paddock after heard Marco's death.

If Marco's family have the same thought with the people who blame Rossi, Marco's father would not let Rossi giving him any hug, Marco's mother would not hug Rossi tighly in front of Marco's coffin. THEY WOULD NOT DO IT.

So please for people who blame Rossi and Edwards out there to think more positive. This situation cannot be avoided by both of them. Bad luck happen, then cause Marco to lost his life. You don't have an authority to judge both of them (Rossi and Edwards).

Qoute Today : "People don't have authority to judge another people if they can't understand and can't give the current reason of what happened."

Saturday, November 5, 2011

MotoGP Valencia : Every Riders Pay Their Tribute for Marco Simoncelli

Simoncelli Tribute Wall, Comunitat Valenciana Circuit. Tributes are being paid to the Italian at the final race of the 2011 season 

This last season of MotoGP 2011 at Valencia will be the tribute race for Marco Simoncelli called the "emotional season race". As it writtin on the motogp site that "Just under two weeks on from the 24 year-old’s tragic death in Malaysia the entire MotoGP community is marking the close of the 2011 season with a series of fitting tributes to the charismatic and popular rider."
I prepare to record this last season cause it would be memorial thing happen in MotoGP (I will not missed it). I'll say sorry that i'll keep the video for myself, i'll not posted it to my blog or anysite.

Must you know that not only the MotoGP riders who are pay tribute to Marco, even 125cc and 250cc riders are also pay tribute to him, you can see the picture below this post. I just want you to don't miss this last season, cause it will be great (esp. for Marco fans).

San Carlo Honda Gresini Box, Comunitat Valenciana Circuit. Another tribute to the memory of Marco Simoncelli was seen this evening at the Ricardo Tormo circuit in Valencia. The San Carlo Honda Gresini team set up its box with the number 58 bike on display, with a banner at the back of the garage featuring a portrait of the late Italian racer and a moving tribute that reads (in Italian): “Goodbye Marco, it was and honor and privilege to work with you.”

Below this, is the riders tribute for Marco Simoncelli. Everyone is pay tribute to him.

Valentino Rossi
"Ragazzi ecco il 58 sul Ducatone...46+58!Domani pomeriggio o sabato mattina anche il casco.domani si parte,notte. (Guys, here is ducati bike with the 58 ... 46 +58! Tomorrow afternoon or Saturday morning, will also part of the helmet, good night)"
"It’s been difficult, I’ve tried to stay as much as possible with Paolo (Simoncelli) and the family of Marco who are my friends. The feeling in Italy was unbelievable and great for Marco because a lot of people remembered him from all over Italy and demonstrated they liked him a lot on and off the track. In a bad moment like this the atmosphere was great with a lot of people who wanted to say ciao to Marco. It’s good to be here in Valencia. It’s a strange feeling for everybody but I think it’s the best way to remember Marco. On Tuesday we’ll have an important moment for next year because it’s the first time all the 1000cc bikes are on track together. We’ll work and we expect we’ll have to fix some problems but it will be interesting to try the new bike together with the Honda and the Yamaha. But first we have the race, we have to concentrate on that and make a good result, especially to remember Marco."

Loris Capirossi
“It was an honour to ride with Marco’s number on my bike. Apart from that it was a tough afternoon. The tyres didn’t work so in the final minutes we had to use my tyres from this morning. They were a bit worn but I still managed to improve my second-session time by three seconds. I’m happy with how the morning went, and I’m very optimistic for tomorrow. We can do well.”
“The situation is strange for everyone. We are all here and we try never to forget Marco – this is really important because he is part of our life and always tried to do his best. For this I want to keep his honour and I want to use his number 58 on my bike for this race. I really hope he is happy about that and that I can achieve the same result as he could. I will do my best for him and after this race I will of course retire as planned. I am happy because after 22 seasons it’s a good time to stop. There are a lot of strong riders and it’s good to do something else.”

Hiroshi Aoyama
"The conditions made life hard today and I had a crash. The grip levels weren't the best and even though I tried to find the limit it was very hard and I am not happy with the result. I hope I can be faster tomorrow and on Sunday. This is an important Grand Prix for me because it is my last in MotoGP and I am desperate to have a good race to honour Marco, who we are all missing greatly. I will try to do my best for all these reasons.”

Casey Stoner
"It will be difficult to return to racing this weekend after Marco's terrible accident in Sepang but I think it is the best thing we can do to honour him. We know we all play a risky game and, even if compared to the past the safety of our sport is much better, unfortunately these kind of events still occur. My thoughts go out to his family and I hope that they are coping through this period. The race this weekend is the final round of an incredible season for us, we worked hard all year and after clinching the title in Phillip Island we are starting to look to 2012. After the race here in Valencia we will have the two day test on the 1000cc machine and then we can take a well deserved break and reflect on the ups and downs of a very long hard season. We will go out there this weekend and try to put on a good show for all the fans and especially in memory of Marco."

Dani Pedrosa
"Valencia will be a very special race for everybody. This weekend we will all have Marco in our thoughts and I hope the fans show their respect and appreciation to him, as the whole MotoGP family will do. Valencia is a track I like a lot and I'm looking forward to seeing all the fans there again. Last year I couldn't perform very well due to injury, but this time I hope to have a good race and finish the season in a good shape."

Andrea Dovizioso
“I’m very sad for the loss of Marco. I’m going to Valencia not in the right frame of mind for a race. I will wear Marco's number 58 on the chest of my leathers, close to my heart, this is the only thing that counts. I have raced with Marco throughout my whole career, he was “the rival” and now that he is no longer with us, he has left a big void and I want to convert this feeling of emptiness to determination. I hope to get a good result at Valencia mainly because it is important for me to finish third in the Championship but I know the race will be difficult as it is not one of my favourite circuits and Dani is very strong there. Also, the GP of Valencia is my last race with Honda and I really would like to crown these ten years together with a good final race."

Ben Spies
“When we think about what’s happened over the past couple of weeks it’s hard to come to the last race with the emotions we feel, but everybody knows Marco would want us to race. We have to pull together, do the best we can and put on the best race we can for him and everybody else. I feel a lot better, I needed a rest. The crash in Australia was pretty big, but now my condition is the least of my worries. I want to get through this race, do the best I can for Yamaha and then move on to the test.”

Alvaro Bautista
“I am really looking forward to going to the Valencia race. It has been a tough time for all of us since Sepang, but I am ready for the last race and the fact that it is in my home country always makes it a special occasion. I have done well in the last few races, and my Suzuki has felt great, but the results have not arrived so we need to put that right. My target for the weekend is to fight to the maximum, finish the race with a good result and dedicate it to Marco. We had so many huge battles together – I will use these memories positively in Valencia.”

Randy de Puniet
"I’m satisfied. This morning the track was quite dry, more towards the end of the session and I ended in seventh place. In the afternoon I did well on the wet track, finishing the session with the seventh best lap time. The feeling with the bike is good, and I hope it is tomorrow as well. There is a good opportunity to end this season with a good result, and my thoughts are with Marco and his family"

Cal Crutchlow

Nicky Hayden

Hector Barbera

Toni Elias

Karel Abraham


Moto2 : Alex de Angelis (1), Mattia Pasini (2), Stefan Bradl (3)


125cc : Nico Terrol (1), Niklas Ajo (2), Danny Kent (3)

I want to share a song which maybe suitable with this post (maybe... hahahah). Cause when i hear this song and read this post back, i feel it suitable... That's no matter if you don't like, just want to share what i feel~ = b

Keane - Somewhere Only We Know