Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Grow a Dreams, Working Hard, and Make It Come True

Recently i really like to spent my time to stick around with The Sims 3. I know it was horrible to spent all my time in the game, but i realize something that makes me want to spent much my holiday time to play on it. It is like trigger your deepest dream to be come true, which you know or don't know what is it. But for me, i know my dreams and i feel this game offer me something to combine all of my dreams to become one.

My dreams are to making a great video, become a photographer, and become a story writer. In the fact, i can't making a great video since i have no model to do with it (Sometimes i've got some idea, but when it comes into model, he/she didn't suit the role of the character, so i always wasting my time to searching the right model). For photography, i own cameras (on a handycam), but it's not good enough to take detailed picture althrough sometimes it was helping me a lot in my project. And the last of my dream is become a great story writer. But i'm not have enough time to make some story because i'm a freelancer, even sometimes i have time to do it, i was not in the mood. Pathetic...

I'd love to make something stick around together, making all of it to become a perfect thing i made. So, people who watch it will say to me, "How do you make it???", "It's amazing !!!", or "Can you teach me how to do it???".

Since i am perfectionist, some of my friend always said to me like this when i finish my college task, "You're nuts! How did you do that???". Surely, i'm happy to hear about that, but i keep to be a humble person and always told them like this, "It's just nothing, you can do it too, believe in yourself". =]

Ehm... Back to the topic...

Why this game can make my dreams come true?.

I have said recently that i like to stick around with the game. The sims 3 is offering me to make a story with the model is my own sim, and the most important thing is i can control it too! Since i making some video in the real life, i have to wasting my time to teaching the model one by one to match the role character. It's miserable thing that cost money and time. In the sims 3, i can style the model and control it like what i want (like the character). And i just simply make the video and moving the camera as i want. My another two dreams, photography and story writer, can be do too. I just simply photograph the model in any angle that i want, and simply made a story from it. I also can PAUSE them, so they won't moving anywhere. In the real life, sometimes when i was photograph something, the model might shaking, and my handycam can 'catch' the moment, so the photos were going to blurry anyway.

With the sims 3 i can combine all i want to become one creature, one project, that i think it will be great when i go through it. And i'm sure it will be a great project if i spent my time into it. Hope that it will be~=]

Talking about dreams, i still have dreams that i can't help it to grow when i playing on the game. There was "travel around the world" and "being a pianist". Something that i really want until now is "being a great pianist" (like maxim? = b), but i know that since i'm too old to learn piano, i lower it to "i want to play Fur Elise perfectly". But since i've got no piano to play it, it's really hard to do. My friends who have piano skill always told me, "You're gifted. You can find the right piano key from the song that you recently hear. It's pity that you can't pursuing the talent to be growing up."

Maybe God gives me some talent, but which talent will be growing up i still don't know. I just work hard and make it happen.

Something i realize today, i think nothing is impossible in this world if we have a will to do that (i mean ambitious). Today i sent some stuff to my cousin with my car. I'm always sent it with my car, and it usually pick up all of the item in less than 30 pieces, cause it's not enough space if the stuff is more than 30. But today, i have a will, that i want to sent my stuff to more than 30, i think it's impossible, but my will wipe out all of my impossible thought. With all of my will, magically i've sent the stuff to more than 30. My car now can sent 48 stuff...

Something i've got here that, if you want make your dreams come true, you must have a will to do that, and find the right place to grow up your dreams and make it come true. =]

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