Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Website Troubleshooting

When troubleshooting comes, feels like want to smash your own PC/laptop (but cannot do it), hahaha~= b

I think i must post this one to help me remember some troubleshooting of website, and also to give you some help people~
Below this, there's some troubleshooting i've found today when posting file to server. It's make me really mad when it's not working. Fortunately we have our mr. google to find the solution of the troubleshooting.

1.Choose The Right Transfer Mode
If you're a beginner like me and this is the first time you have to upload your file to server, you may have see this (For my server, it's located between uploading file and the "upload" button). You may see two transfer mode to upload with, Binary and ASCII. I told you simply about the different of this two type of transfer mode.
Binary : Transfer mode type when you use to upload compiled file, like your photos/images, swf, flv, etc.
ASCII : Transfer mode type when you use to upload an text file, like html, css, xhtml, xml, etc.
Now you may understand about two type of the transfer mode right? Go to the second troubleshooting if you didn't have troubleshooting with Binary and ASCII.

2.Pop-Up Menu didn't appear after posting html file to the server.
If you have to upload your html with pop-up menu, don't forget to upload mm_menu.js , a javascript file which contains your own pop-up menu.
And, if you have upload the mm_menu.js file but your pop-up menu file still didn't appeared on your website, check the located file where you uploaded the mm_menu.js file, mm_menu.js file just working if it's located in the same folder with index.html.

3.Missing Image
When you create a different image out of the html image file (example:you want to create an image linking to somewhere, but the image not included on image folder when you save your design into a web), put the image on the same folder "image" that you've created a "save as web". All of the image must be located in the same folder named "image" and check the links of the image of your html on "" area of your dreamweaver html file, the link must be written img src="images/(your image file)". After that, when you upload the images on your server, upload the image in the same folder named "image".

This is the image of my server, how i located the file..
Hope this post may helped you, good luck~=]

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