Sunday, March 18, 2012

Dream will be JUST DREAM, If...

If you ask what is effort, all of these were called effort !

I'm sure people have their own dreams. Sometimes i heard, some people have got to reach their own dreams and become success. Another people, just be an ordinary person who always said "I think my dreams is too hard to reach, it will never happened".

What i want to discuss here, is....why some people got to reach their dream and another not?

It's not simple to answer but, when i try to answer this -> their differences in effort (escpecially hard working), condition and situation. Maybe is right?
I think IT IS RIGHT!

So many inspirational people always said this. What they said look like simple, but for the truth it is not. It said so easy, but for me it is really hard to do.

Everyone can reach their dream, if they have enough effort to do, the right condition and situation, and a little bit of luck. One thing that's important is... success people NEVER WASTE their time. For them, time is a tool for them to reach success. Their thought "If you lose some 'time', you'll lose some 'tool' to reach success, it will just make you far away from success."

I think i'll explain again about their thought, i'm sure when i first read it, it looks like mean "You will not success if you waste your time". But when i'm understand about it, their thought is not mean like that.
It is mean......
"You will lose your value of success if you waste your time. Losing value may cause you lost your success or you will success but not the 'success' thing that you really want."
That's the point...

Thinking again about it, besides "don't waste time" as a tool for reach the real success, condition and situation of life may ruin your time to get success a little bit or a lot.
I have a dreams and wants, but when situation and condition cause me not to take effort to make my dreams come true, it made me so pathethic. (I have experience this before, the situation and condition ruins me a lot. The situation and condition always realted with rules. At that time i don't have enough authority to break the rules)

If so, what will you need if your situation and condition ruins your life to get success?
A little bit of luck...

Unfortunately, at that time. I don't have luck to reach what i want. That's make me so pathethic person.

Now i'm realize, if i want to get success, i must have three things :
-. Enough time to take some effort of hard-working. (I'll not waste my time from now.)
-. Right situation and condition. (It's the hard things to control, but i'm sure we can control it ! How to... break the rules? = b )
-. Luck. (God's gift. So, just pray to God to have this thing =] )

What will you do now?
Don't waste your time to read this article twice, go and reach your success ! =]

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