Monday, March 5, 2012

I Love Red Not Because of Nichkhun

Why you love red? It because you are fans of Nichkhun 2PM right? Nichkhun really love red and you follow him.

Some people always said that to me when they know that i love red colour so much. One thing they don't know about me is, i love red colour NOT because i'm a big fans of Nichkhun 2PM.

Remember about Super Mario Bross?
I've been playing about that game since i was 5, and now sometimes i opened my PC to play it with PC version. (For the truth i really miss the NES version, but can't find my old nintendo anywhere =[ )

The main character, Mario, always using red suit whenever version of the game was. For the first time i saw him (the game), i didn't really understand what's going on and what must i do to finish it. Just heard from my dad that "do not touch the power button", so the game would not came back to start point. He also said that i can play the game but he warned me again for second time "do not touch the power button".

When i become 8 years old, i start to understand what type of game it was, and i really love the game. When i was primary school, i always play with my friends and one game version of Mario Bross that we loved a lot is Super Mario Bross 3 (1988).

What is Super Mario 88 ? You can see this video =]

I always played it at home, and the first time i finish the game was totally 4 hours non-stop. When i think about it now, it was kinda crazy.

What made it crazy?
That, I NEVER save the game and always remember to NOT PUSH THE POWER BUTTON.


Back to topic, when i love Mario so much i started to like a red colour but not so maniac. At that time i still love blue colour and didn't have any interest of red colour.

So what thing make you love the colour red so much? Is it because of Mario?
I can say it yes and no. I started to love red when i was 15 years old. Being bullied and insulted by some people as the nerd person made me want to change my character. When i heard people always saying like this, "A person who love red colour always have braveness for their life, sometimes they can called the soldier of light.", i remember Mario Bross.
The word "soldier of light", that means a hero for the goodness, remember me to Mario who always become a hero in the game and one thing made me remember him is, he always wear the red suit.

For the truth, the game maker himself coloured Mario red due to the graphical limitations of arcade hardware at the time. Miyamoto (the creator) clothed the character in red overalls and a blue shirt to contrast against each other and the background.


After i started to like red colour, i try to find what the colour means. I found that red colour means of anything like fearless (brave), strong, love, hardworker, courage, confidence, joy, passion, life with pleasure, thrist of action, etc. Red also symbolize a cupid and a devil (the good and the bad).

All of the meaning makes me wonder of myself. Almost all of the character of this colour seems to be like me, and one thing i don't have when i was 15 is braveness. So, i started to like this colour, and started to change my character.

Mario Bross is not the only one who make me love red colour so much. The circumstances which causing from my teenager life is also support. By the way, if you know about Mario now, he always wear a hat with a red "M" in a white circle on the front of it. My name starting with "M", the symbolize of the hat made me more and more to love red colour, it show "Red is M" that look like to means "Red Is Me".

Now i like red colour so much and not so much like for blue colour. For me, Mario Bross is the starting point for me to like red. And when he was remake and have red-blue suit, it made me perception that "inside the blue is the red", it means after the calmness die will born the fearless, don't try to fool around with this type of person.

Look at his hat and suit, made me remember that i change my past to my future now.

When you asked me do you success to change your character? For sure, i really made it. I learn that what colour you like is reflect who you are, your personality of course.
When i love blue my personality is calm, nerd, always in peace, life on burden, never want to take something which would threaten my life. But now, when i love red colour, i always take anything dangerous, i'm confidence to what i choose, i life with pleasure, took positive perception from so many people's thoughts about me.

That's better right?

Just one thing i should say to you that, don't follow me to like red colours, just be yourself~ =]

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