Sunday, October 23, 2011

How life is precious


Life is so precious,
And each day is a gift.
So enjoy every minute,
As it were your last to live.

Cherish your loved ones,
Hug them tight,
Share with them your heart,
And your time.

Nothing is forever,
And life goes so fast,
Each minute that passes,
Is one you can’t get back.

When troubles arrive,
And knock you off your feet,
Stand up and smile,
And remember life is too sweet.

Every morning when you wake,
Decide right from the start,
That “Today will be a good day”
And let it all in with an open heart.

Written by: Laura Strickland ©
Used with permission

I remembered when my parents always told me to not waste my time by browsing around on the internet or playing a game. "You must make your time worthed and usefull. Don't waste your time by doing such a useless activity."
Now, when i looked back on that quote and match them with some situations which happened continuesly in this week, i realized something lacking from my life, especially on my effort to make my life better, and make my family happy. Someone maybe have to do a good things or have some certain achievement on their life that made their family proud. But for me, i also have some achievement that made my family proud but i think it's not more enough to make my family happy.
Back to my parents quotes, i matched it with two situations which happened this week that took away of someone's life. The first is Yue - Yue, a Chinese toddler who has run over two times and 18 people were ignored her who was suffering of death, she was dead in 21th October 2011. The second is, Marco Simoncelli, who have crash and died today in Sepang circuit, Malaysia, have a terrible injury on his head, neck, and chest, succumb to his injuries.

Up : Yue Yue ; Down : Marco Simoncelli

This two situations make me think of my parents quote. How short our life is, and we never know what time we will be faced to death. I always keep a faith of some words in my life, that "Don't be afraid of something, cause you don't know what time you will be dead". But when i looked back to my parents qoute, and see this two situations happening, seems some words were written in my mind that, "You must be afraid of death".
I always thinking of this, and when it comes on my mind, it always annoying and make me afraid. After that, i will always haunted by this big question "How i died in the future? How it's like?". This things make me afraid.

I think back of all of them, then i make one decision in my life to not wasting of my full time with useless activity things. I promised myself to make my family proud, and deciding to reach some dreams i always wanted. I don't want to make mylife to just known by people around me as a ordinary person who left nothing than useless. I want to left something usefull to people around me, or make people inspired by what i do. So, they'll remember me (when i died) as a person who left a great moment and experiences into their life.

How about you people? Will you make your life to be a great things for people to be remembered?
If yes, let's try it together, don't leave your dreams away~ =]

Lifetime Sneak Peak :

Yue Yue with her mother (before she run over)

Marco Simoncelli, before Sepang Circuit's race.

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