Monday, October 17, 2011

Take Me Back To The Start

I always remembered of some sad things in life when i hear this song. One of them is remember of my dog who was died recenlty in August.
It have been 2 months 1 day since my dog's died because of parvo virus. Now, i just have one dog, and my dog who still life now seems to be a coward dog since he have been leaving by his partner.

(2nd April 2004 - 16th August 2011)

In this post, i want to tell you about my brave dog, who have been dead earlier in 16th August 2011. His name is Micky. I took the name from my favorite TV Show later in 2004
He is my brave dog. When he's out at night, he always running to anywhere where i can't found him until his approach himself in the darkness and return home. He was not affraid of cars, trucks, or anything. One of his bad habit is, he always eat anything that he thinks it was a 'food'. For 7 years of his life before his death, he just infected by one disease, skin disease in one year. That make his body turn ugly and loss of hair. Fortunately, in 2011 he was recover from that disease.

He always have a good health, but since August, his habit was different than usual.

This is the photo that my sister taken a week before he died. Look at his stomach! It was bigger than usual, i and my family didn't know that he was suffering with a stomach like that. We didn't realize he have a parvo virus, we just think he was too much eat, because before this happen he usually have a big stomach after he eat a lot...T.T

Three days after that day, he was lost his appetite to eat,diarrhea with blood (black feces),lethargy, have a dehydration, and keep vomiting a liquid from his mouth.

Sunday, two days before he died. My mom told me that he knock on the front door. She thinks that my dog was really can't stand of his pain.

On Monday, he was passed away near his kennel, we bring him to veterinarian. In the way i and my mother go to the veterinarian, i found it hard to find just one veterinarian. Stuck in traffic jam, and when i arrive on the veterinarian's house, the veterinarian was not there or it just closed ! The last veterinarian's house i visited, i must wait 2 hours if i want to meet the veterinarian. So i comeback home, cause in that time, my mother wants to return home. She told me to better pick up my father, who maybe knew to find a better veterinarian for my dog. Then after i coming home, i pick up my father and immidiately my father told me to go somewhere.
Then finally, i found the veterinarian for my dog. With smile in my face i saw my father bring my dog to be examined.

The veterinarian said that she was afraid if my dog's stomach were infected by viruses. She hoped the stomach just only filled by liquid inside, not infected by viruses.
After being examined, the result is "his stomach was full of liquid inside".
The veterinarian told me and my father to don't worry, she said it just a fluid, and she gave my dog one injection below his stomach. She said my dog will pull out some feces with blood after he received the injection, and after that i must keep my dog to not be dehydrated by giving him some water and food by injection.
She give me a prescription to be buy. And she also told to me to give it to my dog after he eats.
For the first time in my life, i feel happy that i think i can save my dog's life.

Then we going home, and immidiately buy the prescription, and the food which recomended by the veterinarian.
Then we lay him down and give him some water and food. He still freezing, all of his body was not moving.

12PM on 16th August 2011, i looked at him and found something wrong with his eye. He looked like struggle with the pain in his body. I called my family, and my father immidiately gave him some water and food again.

Who knows of death...
When my father give him water and food, i keep to hold on his body and suddenly feel strange.
There's no heartbeat anymore, and we know he was dead. 00.40 AM...
I cried that i was lost something priceless in my life. At that time i think my effort to keep him safe was not good enough. I feel guilty, not to take care of him from the week before, when i saw his stomach was bigger than usual.

I think this bad memory will always haunted on me, to keep me warned to my last dog now, and to keep caring on  him too. Micky's partner now, Blacky, have a happy life that we always caring about him. But i hate of his cowardness, that he will bark if his master was beside him,hahaha~
Fortunately, Blacky was vaccinated. And we keep him far away from parvo virus.

I was thinking how my dog, Micky can got a parvo virus. A month before he died, he was killed a cat, and the cat's stomach were big too. I think the cat was infected by parvo, then my dog's mouth was "eat" the virus from the cat.
It was my dog's fate.

I was taking a photo of his death before he was burried. I really cannot post it here, cause that photo is terribly a sadness thing of my life.

In the future, i'll keep in my mind that i must taking care of my dog too. He have his own fate but fate can be changed if we still caring about him.

Rest In Peace Micky~ Hope you'll be happy in heaven.
I'm sorry that i was not caring about your life.

If i can beg to God, "please take me back to the start", when i know he was suffering of his pain and i can save his life. But unfortunately, God didn't want it to happen. God wants to warned me from him. That i must care of all my dog's life..

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