Thursday, October 27, 2011

[TRANS] UP2U Magazine Issue #6 - October 2011 "Nichkhun Horvejkul Thai Angel in the land of kimchee…"

CREDITS : UP2U Magazine (SOURCE); aupsorn@2ONEDAY.COM (TRANS) 

This article follows from this interview

Make sure to check out the clips at the end!!!


Nichkhun Horvejkul
Thai Angel in the land of kimchee…

Story written by: JJ

I spy something… Handsome, great figure, and has what it take to succeed, and on top of that, he’s Thai!
The answer is…‘Nichkhun’

Nichkhun is what most Thais would consider to be very fortunate. He has the capability to continue on with his golden streak. Nichkhun has proven that hard work and determination can overcome any obstacles, such as: language barrier, singing, dancing, personality training, or even working out his abs. Believe it or not, this young man has given more than 100% in anything that he does without hesitation. Do you know that these qualities are not the only reasons why superstar Nichkhun is adored by many? Nichkhun doesn’t sit and wait for the opportunities to come like some others…oops!

1. Willingness to learn… The biggest problem Nichkhun could not avoid was the language barrier. At the beginning, Khun had to have a lot of tolerance and understanding in order to learn how to communicate. Since Khun only spoke Thai and English, which did little to help because everyone around him spoke only Korean. Another big shock was the differences in the way of life. The cultural difference was the major reason why Khun was looked down upon at the beginning. Khun took it to heart and was determined to learn Korean and the culture. After a lot of hard work, Khun was able to communicate fluently. Many Koreans started to open their hearts to Khun because of his willingness to learn…

2. Patient…because rules are not made to be broken…To be a great Star, you must confine yourself from temptations. After the audition and finishing high school, Khun moved to Korea and started his 8 year contract as a trainee of JYPE. A typical trainee’s day lasts from 9am to 11pm. JYPE dorm offers the trainees the opportunity to learn about dance performances along with learning Korean and Chinese. (Why such a tough schedule?) Monthly, all trainees goes through a progress check up. Anyone who lacks determination was eliminated. Those who demonstrate the willingness to succeed will be able to debut quicker. As a trainee, they must follow a strict guideline, such as: no alcohol consumption or dating. Any trainee caught breaking the rules will be asked to withdraw. (Wow…so strict!) Nichkhun was overwhelmed to the point of wanting to give it all up. He even made the dreadful call home to his parents voicing his wish to quit. As supportive parents, they encouraged Khun to give it his all before making his final decision because this opportunity is one in a million…

3. Super hot body…As a scrawny person that can’t seem to gain an ounce, Khun decided that he needed to work out more in order to win the hearts of females young and old… Just kidding! Khun only wanted to keep up with the other members. Khun’s workout routine is 2 hours per day but on a busy day, he only can squeeze in 30 minutes. Since Khun does not have any body fat, he was able to add muscle quickly. The area that Khun wants to improve most is his arms. At first, Khun was only able to bench press 60kg (around 132Ibs). As he became more confident, Khun can now bench 90kg (around 198Ibs). Khun’s weight had increased from 61 to 68kg (around 135 to 150Ibs). In order to help balance his diet, Khun also incorporates a protein supplement. (Hmm…so that’s how you do it) You can noticeably see the difference from his trainee pictures to the present. Most noticeable area is his six pack abs.

4. Love for his family…During an interview, Khun stated that he is the happiest person because he has the best family in the world. When asked who is his role model, without hesitation, my Father and Mother. Khun has one older brother and two younger sisters. Khun shocked the fans by stating “There’s a person that I love that’s here right now and she can’t be none other than…my sister!” (Whoa! Our hearts stopped & dropped there for a second) This was a birthday surprise for his sister during 2PM’S ‘Don’t Stop, Can’t Stop’ concert. Once the candles were blown, Khun gave his sister a hug with a kiss on her cheek…what a Kodak moment! Khun is very protective when it comes to his sisters. He closely inspects each male figure that comes around his sisters. Khun is known to say ‘Are you wearing that?’ or ‘Who are you talking to (on the phone)?

5. I love Thailand!Don’t think just because Khun is a Korean Idol that he has forgotten his heritage. Nichkhun is the presenter for Thai Tourism ‘Come to Thailand, Let’s Take a Break’ campaign. Khun wants to show Korean tourists that even during a short holiday, you can still see a lot of Thailand. Khun even shows in the music video, the different activities, such as, golfing, beaches, as well as some of Thai traditions. Since Khun is very popular in Korea, it has helped bring more interests to Thailand and our way of life. (Thai Tourism…quickly renew Nichkhun contract as the presenter!) Khun has been seen sporting a 'We love the King’ wristband when possible. When Khun wears the wristband, it helps remind Khun of his heritage and his family.

6. Good image…Nichkhun, with his smiling eyes, shows his fun, loving, carefree image. Khun’s sweet soft spoken words can always melt the hearts of the opposite sex. If you’ve watched ‘We Got Married’ (a show that couple together stars as newlyweds), you can see what a gentleman and romantic he is towards Victoria. Since the beginning of this show, a lot of people have fallen in love with this ‘fake husband’. You can’t see this side of Khun on stage (with all that tough dancing…how could he?)

7. Talent…It goes without saying; someone with good looks will have some kind of musical talent. Nichkhun was young when he started playing piano. Khun was not very interested but continued to learn because his father insisted. Upon hearing ‘Kiss the Rain’ by Yurima, Khun found a new passion in playing the piano. Every now and again, you can catch Khun playing ‘Kiss the Rain’ flawlessly. Khun’s been known to sing while playing ‘Nothing Better’ as well. Even though Khun can only play a few songs, he still has the ability to draw you in and leaves you feeling like you are sitting on the piano listening. (So proud!) This Thai boy with determination has won the hearts of the Korean girls. You can say that Nichkhun is a good example that Thais too can become successful if you work hard for it. Maybe in the future we Thais will have a new terminology ‘Thai Fever’ too! All the Thai girls that are enjoying kimchee, did you know that Korean girls are now slurping ‘tom yum goong’ soup?! ‘UP’

10 Must watch videos of Nichkhun
1. Military Draft
Nichkhun’s possible military drafting in Thailand… Since there was such a big turnout, Nichkhun did not have to draw red or black card. The best part is seeing Khun without his shirt on…he’s so white!!

2. Coca Cola CF (this link is no longer working)
2 hotties from 2PM Nichkhun & Taec showing off their muscles in Coca Cola Zero CF

3. Nichkhun drunk!
Nichkhun was a believable drunk…but yet the cutest drunk in the world!

4. Birthday Surprise for Nichkhun’s little sister
Khun's surprise Birthday celebration for his lil sister during 2PM’s concert. After watching this…made me jealous and wish I have a brother like him.

5. Dance Battle
Nichkhun’s dance battle on Dream Team... After watching this, I’ve decided that someone as adorable as Khun can do no wrong.

6. Kissing with Khun!
*screams* I want to frail around watching my Khun kissing another girl on ‘WGM’

7. Nichkhun ‘Mirror’ dancing
Nichkhun choose him to be his partner and ‘mirror’ dances during ‘Idol Army-2PM&SHINee.

8. Getting Fit with Nichkhun
*oh my!* my man is concentrating so hard! How can someone wearing only a black tank top still look so sexy?! You should watch all 4 cuts of this…don’t say I didn’t warn you!

9. Nichkhun playing the piano
Must see! It’s a quick clip but so worth watching…it’s as if you are right there with Khun.

10. Nichkhun…the cat
Nichkhun and 2PM members transform into adorable cats during BoPeep BoPeep performance.


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