Monday, October 17, 2011

How to make Flash plugin behind your dropdown menu ?

I was searching on this on google for almost 1 hour, then i was find a solution to make your dropdown menu appear in front of your flash plugin. I get this solution from : , thank chu to user : jiveturkey and esnsone , to post this awesome code~
I compound the post of these to people to be read by you, hope you'll understand~=]

How to make flash plugin behind your dropdown menu

On this picture you'll see something different on my flash plugin code~
 You can see i've add some "param name=wmode" code into my flash plugin in dreamweaver, and i also add wmode=transparent inside the embed code. I can't write the code here cause in blogger it will appeared like i inserted HTML into website, so you better see the code from the picture~

Now you can see my website dropdown menu appeared in front of the flash plugin !
Hope this post will be help you people~ =]

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