Saturday, October 8, 2011

The Story : Nichkhun Horvejkul in The Sims 3

TA-DA !!!

Maybe that's must i said to you all since my last post to introduce my new sim (see here). I really excited to show you detailed of my sim which i was made in the sims 3.  I'm really happy to have two days-off out of work because... I CAN UPDATE MY BLOG <- That's one of my wish since i was busy working on freelance project.

This time i really proud to introduce my sim, Nichkhun Horvejkul. He was a bit similiar to Khun, but i'm sorry if anybody there don't like i made him. Surely it's not to "sabotage" Khun, just to make a bit similiar face.
Before i create this "successful" sim, i was created so many sim to be similiar with Nichkhun. But all of them were failed and turned to ugly sims. *misery scream*

Why i call my sim "succesfull" with " mark ? Because this sim was 50% successfull to be similiar with the person, so i called it "successful".

Days continued, when i was play the sims 3 in my sister's Mac, i tried to Create-A-Sim again similiar to Nichkhun. Then the "succesful" sim was born. For the first time i move in my sims and look at his face, i still disappointed with his face. But when more and more looking at him, i think he was a little bit successfull (he wasn't ugly like any other sims i've created, HE IS ACTUALLY CUTE) *standing applause*

I was thinking when i use Mac, my created sim turn to be more similiar to what i want, not like some sims i've made in XP. Maybe that was a great work of Steve Jobs. -RIP Steve-
PS : I don't want to be rude or make differences about companies, each companies surely have it's plus and minus. But in the fact, my created sim works similiar in Mac and i don't know why.

Now back to topic...
I think you wanna let my sim, (not the real) Nichkhun Horvejkul, to introduce himself...
Check some picture on the below~ =D
- You can zoom it to original size (1024x728 px) -

Thanks for read my sim's life story, hope you enjoy that !

I just want to know how's people think about my sim's face. Is he similiar with the real Nichkhun ??? Kekeke~ *really hope that*
What i made in my sim's life story before was just focus on his career. It's because, i have a lot of time to make story about his families and households... (Maybe about 1 week)

For people who maybe will ask :

* "Why you don't make such a video movie ?"
  I tell you the reason that my real-life work has minimize my spare time. So i didn't have to much time to record video and edited it, since i'm perfectionist on created something. <- i want to make something best, informative, and entertaining people. I can taking photos and edited it while i work with my project. It's because i edited them both in adobe photoshop, so it can cut my minimum spare time.

* "Why your sim work as an international super spy not a pop star like the real Nichkhun?"
  I don't want to make all of my sim's life to be looks like Nichkhun, i wanna try something else. To be an International Super Spy, is it cool right?

* "Why each of your picture have 'This created sim...bla..bla..bla..'? It's so really annoying."
  It's because, I DON'T BELIEVE ON PEOPLE. It's not guarantted if people taking your post, he/she will rewrite your link back as source. Sometimes "naughty" visitors WILL NOT rewrite your link back, and edited all of your own photo to be posted and owned by him/her. So, i'm sorry that i must do this guys..

Hope the reason i give was clear, if you have your question on me about my sim, please contact me on twitter or facebook~ =]

Last but the most important is...
If you take this post out, DON'T BE RUDE TO MAKE THIS POST AS YOUR OWN, rewrite this post is recommended to also write the post link as it source.

Don't forget to comeback to visit my blog guys~ =]

*This story will be changed to new story which also continued this story too, But it will have a lot of change. Since my sims have so much changed in his personality and life (after i installed all Expansion Packs and Stuff Packs until Pets) and got a lot of bugs, i decided to make the new him for purpose to get away from all of the bugs, so i started his life over. The new story will begin in January 2012 at , hope you guys looking forward to it...Thanks~=]*

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