Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Where Are You People ? I feel alone.

I feel like alone....Noone cares me, don't know what to do but i must keep myself strong...Then pretend to be happy...

Since 1 month ago, i rarely meet my friends and hang out with them. This is happen when i must worked, and my friends are worked tho...We have no time even just for chat....
I think in the time that i never calling them or chat with them, they've lost from me, leaving me one by one...
Make me feel so strange when i opened facebook. Noone care of my post.
A few months ago, when i post something to facebook, some of my friends always commented on my post, sometimes they like it too...
But now, noone cares to what i post...

I feel more and more strange, some situation always happened the same. When i post something in my page and the other public page, noone likes, when i post something to promote my blog in my own blackberry group, someone posting something after i posted, covering away my post.
Yesterday, when i post something to twitter (not spamming also), one of my friend suddenly unfollow me. In this case i think i was post something that tease her. I'm not directly or have a will to tease her, if she feel like that, i feel so sorry. Until now, i still keep following her. She don't know when she do that i feel so sad (moreover, i have bad situation like this, i feel like i was leaving by people one by one).
Sometime i have to meet my friend, and she have a chat with the other woman. I usually follow-up and join her when she was chatting with her friend, and for usual, finally i chat too with her and her friends (it's always okay). But in that time, when i try to follow-up their conversation by asking something related to what they said, my friend was like pretend to not hear me. After she finish talking, i ask her why she didn't hear me ( i didn't ask it seriously, i ask by joking to her too). She simply said that she had too much fun when talking with her friends, so she didn't hear me. That also a strange thing for me.
Then, sometimes i want to chat with someone and call him/her, he/she never reply me, even by message.
Did they want to leaving me alone? I feel so sad.

First, i think i was too sensitive with this situation, but now i think my thoughts were all wrong. This situation still happened until now, and it almost 1 month. My close friends are all gone, where they are now? What they are doing? Are they busy?

I want to ask God if i can, "what's wrong with me?"
I don't know, is it something wrong with me or what....I try to not thinking about it, but i'm always confused.
Is this a fate?
That i must leaving by people? Noone cares?
I keep lost my spirit to doing something for this few weeks because of that. But i don't want to keep it to be last forever.

Actually i don't want to thinking more about it. Maybe i'll step this, break this, and keep my spirit on. I can be leaving by people and i will still happy. From this i learn that friends will not still to be there for you forever, but family will. I rather loving my family better than my friends.
So i choose to keep close to my family, because my family will not leaving me away to be alone.

When you think i'm not a smart talk or just a annoying person to post something unimportant on facebook or twitter, just believe me, when you have the same situation like me, you' REALLY WILL think bad of them, same as mine.

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