Sunday, October 16, 2011

Love not only expressed by words, love also expressed by careness.

Today when my boss is out, i got a chance to opened my facebook. Then while i browse on home timeline, i found my friend post something that really make me touched. On my initiatives, i post back here in English, cause the article was written in Indonesian. See the article in Indonesian : here
This article is translated into English by me, but all of the main article is owned by

Love not only expressed by words, love also expressed by careness

Steven is an employees of a reputed company in Jakarta. He have two son, first son named Leo (age 7), and the second son named Kristian (age 2).
Like the other day, Steven arrived at his home on 9 PM, after full-day of hardworking in his office. He saw his son, Leo, with his maid, Yati, were standing in front of the gate to wait of his coming.

"Why you don't sleep yet Leo?", ask him to his son then he kiss Leo.
It was not as usual like another day. Leo usually go to sleep first before Steven coming home, and wake up when Steven already go to his office.
"I was waiting for you coming home dad, i want to ask you something. How much is your salary?" ask Leo with following on his dad.
"What's wrong that you have to ask dad like that?"
"I just want to know dad."
"Okay. Calculate it yourself. Dad was paid Rp 600.000,-/day, and in one month dad has to work 25 days. much salary that dad get in one month?"
"How many hours did dad work per day?" ask Leo further.
"Hmm... Dad was working 10 hours per day Leo. Just calculate it by yourself, i want to take off my shoes first."

Leo running to his desk then doodling on the paper and calculate of his dad's salary. While Steven have take off his shoes and drinking tea.
"So, dad was paid Rp. 15.000.000,- in one month right? And in one hours dad was paid Rp. 60.000,-" tell Leo after he doodling on his paper and continue to following on his dad.
"Good boy. Now you must go to bed Leo." ask Steven. But Leo still following on Steven while Steven was change his clothes in his room.
"Dad, may i borrow Rp.5000,- for this night?" ask Leo.
"Rp.5000,- for what at this late night Leo? If you want it, don't you ask me for tommorow? I want to go shower first. You must sleep now, so tommorow you didn't late to go to your school !" tell Steven and shocked Leo.
After hear that, Leo go away to his room.

Steven feels guilty after he told that to Leo. So he goes to his son's room and find Leo is not sleep yet. Leo is crying and he is hold some money on his hand. Steven come to his son and rub Leo's head softly.
"I'm really sorry dear. Dad always love you."
Steven is starring on Leo's eyes then he is laying beside his son.
"Why you need Rp.5000,- for this late night? You can ask dad tommorow, and i'll give you more than that."
"I don't ask dad to give me some money. I just want to borrow it. After i have enough money, i'll return it to you back dad." said Leo.

"Okay. But for what Leo?"
"I have been waiting for you since afternoon, and i didn't want to sleep if i didn't meet you. I want to play Snake-Ladders with you. Just 30 minutes. Mom always told to me that your time is valuable. So i want to buy your time"
"So?" ask Steven, looks he still didn't understand.

"I was opened my moneybox, and i just have Rp.25.000,- . But because dad told me that you were paid Rp 60.000,- per hour, so for 30 minutes you were paid Rp. 30.000,-. I just have Rp.25.000,-, so i need to borrow Rp.5.000,- from you. I want to buy your time just only 30 minutes. It is because i miss you Dad." tell Leo wipe his tears.

Steven was speechless. Then he hugged his little boy tightly. Leo is the little boy who make he knows that love is not only expressed by words, love is expressed by careness to his family.

Maybe after you read this article, you will not forget to spend your time even just a little for your family when you're busy. Because they always missing you and want to spend time with you too.

Good luck & have a nice day people~=]

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