Saturday, October 15, 2011

Nichkhun, I Wanna Be Your Mom !

Recently, i see some Nichkhun fans's blog (Philiphines fans) about her 'meeting' with Nichkhun, and surely i was envy that she said she hug him and give him a letter, then he read her letter too~
That was so amazing moment i think.

But something catch on my eye, i find some words in her blog telling, she was very 'hoping' that Nichkhun will be her husband by called him her husband. I saw that words and giggling <- "if you are the Philiphines fans who i was mentioned in this post, for that i'm sorry, kekeke~ cause that words really 'tickle'."

I think a lot of Nichkhun's fans really hoping and dreaming to have a man like Nichkhun, to be her boyfriend, even husband. (kekekekeke~) And i don't lie to you that i hope so~= b
But in the fact, maybe we must realize ourselves, is he liking us too to be his girlfriend or wife or something like that? For that reason, i must not hoping him to be my boyfriend or husband or what, cause all of them are impossible~ = b

For me, i'm hoping in the future and begging to God, "Can i have a child like Nichkhun?????" <- i think it was possible dream in the future. Maybe to raise a child and see he/she to be age up well and become a popular person or the most inspirational person for people is more interesting and happiest moment. I can imagine how Nichkhun's mom is very proud of her child.

Nichkhun's Mom with Khun's Pillow

Why i choose to be Nichkhun's mom rather than his wife or girlfriend. Because mom is always loving by their child, and a family-oriented child like Nichkhun if asked to choose his mom or his girlfriend, surely he will choose his mom~

You can see how Nichkhun's love for his mother...

There's are so many video that shows Nichkhun's Love for his mother, but i can't post it here, find it by yourself ~ >:)

Back to topic, when i posting it i remember of my mother. She never forget to taking care of her child whatever good or bad situation things happened. I think to be a mother is tough (since i am woman, i'll be a mother in the future), though whenever to growing a child to be age up well, and the mostly all of mother's dreams is to see her child to be a success person in his/her carrier.
Then, to be a mom like Nichkhun's mom maybe the first thing of every mom's dreams.

So, when any people was dreaming of near future to become actress/actor's boyfriend/girlfriend or wife/husband, i'm just dreaming a 'long distance' future and hoping to God, "Can i have a child to be like them someday? I'll be very proud of them~! Please make it for me even just one~ =] "

To raise a child an become an actress/actor or the inspirational one for me is much better than to have a boyfriend/husband as an actor. It is because, the love that you'll receive from them is different !!! So i prefer to be like Nichkhun's Mom, muhahaha~ *cough*

For Nichkhun, i just want to said this if i meet you someday, "Hey, i wanna be your mom!!!"

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