Wednesday, October 12, 2011

There are no perfect father, but father will always love perfectly

"There are no perfect fathers, but a father will always love perfectly"
Such a great quote to hear from my friend, and really match this video too...

I got cried when watched this video, my tears comes up~ The story in this video is very touching, tell about a deaf dump father who always wants to see his daughter happy and he really love his daughter, then he planning to tell her "sorry" in her birthday that he can speak to always cheer her up and hear all about her complains.
Such a lovely story to hear, and very touching me until i cried on the first time i watch commercial movie!

For sure i got cried 2 times, i cried when watch the movie and then i cried again (but in my heart) that i have written all things about father and this video before this post, but accidently i was selecting all of the post and got deleted the post... T____T
(surely guys, "backup" thing is such a needed one!!! Cause no CTRL+Z when you write a post in blogger)

Now i write it again, hope i still remember what words recently written on my mind.

For the first time i looked at the video link, some of my friends was recommend this link on facebook, but i didn't opened it because i think it was viruses (i saw the link on my phone).
When my close friend recommend it, i thought this link was interesting, then opened it and get impressed soon. I was interested to open it because of my friend. She have leaving by her father for almost 2 years, maybe now she was crying in Seoul when watched this video.
(For my friend who read this, "don't be sad... your father in heaven will be sad if you sad...Be though fren~=] " )

Maybe this video try to remembering us to our father...Our father maybe will not always perfect, but deep in his heart he wants to be a perfect father for you, although he was deaf, blind, busy working, no time for hang out with you or what. Your father STILL your father, and he STILL love you no matter what. There will not be such a ex-father, because WITHOUT YOUR FATHER, YOU'LL NOT BORN IN THIS WORLD.

I remembered to my father who always taking care of me even the little things which make me annoyed. Like kill some mosquitos around me when i was playing computer. That was so annoying but... hey... think positively that he didn't want his daughter to be bitten by mosquitos then get sick. So sometimes i feel guilty when i realize i always angry if he do that~
But now i'm realize, father do something that his daughter didn't like to keep her daughter to be a better person with better life...
Thank you dad~=]

So please people, LOVE YOUR FATHER. Even he was a father you didn't really want to be your father, PLEASE STILL LOVE HIM, FORGIVE HIM, cause there will not another father out there who will replace your father.
Because you just have ONE FATHER to take care with.

For all father who read this, your daughter or son are always loving you~ =]
Thanks for all of your effort to keep us, your son and daughter, to be always happy..
Love you dad~ =]

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